Chapter 5

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The next morning dawned cheerful and sunny as Steve Rogers rolled out of bed, looking very much the opposite. He had large circles under his eyes, and was still in the same sweats from the previous night. All in all, it was safe to assume that he had not slept well. Thoughts of his friend swirled around his foggy mind as he tiredly shuffled into the elevator.

"Main floor please"

The super soldier heaved a sigh. He wasn't exactly looking forward to going about his usual routine while you were still out there, on the run and suffering.

The elevator came to a halt at his floor and Steve could already sense an odd tension in the room as the doors opened into the lounge revealing quite the sight. There Lily was, sitting at the dinning room table with Peter, sipping coffee with not a care in the world. The red head looked up and smiled, recognizing the familiar face. 


Before She could get another word out, Captain America came to her side and crushed her in a giant bear hug. Lily winced as she felt her bruised ribs being squished.

Noticing you tense up he immediately let you go, turning just a slight shade of pink as he noticed the others watching your little reunion. "Well guys, looks like we finally get to meet the infamous Lily that Steve and Buck are always talking about" You turned towards the voice as Nat continued "Hey you're hurt! Here let me see" Despite your protests, the ex assassin tenderly removed your hoodie, revealing the AC/DC tank you had on underneath, and began tending to the large hole in your shoulder while Steve addressed the small cuts and scrapes on your face and arms. 

Just then, a very angry Billionare stormed into the room, "Hey how did you even get in here?"

Lily simply smiled at Tony before speaking up in a loud voice. 


"Yes sir" 

"Be a dear and tell everyone who I am please!" 

"You are Mr.Anthony Stark. Founder of Stark Enterprises, Philanthropist, inventor of Ironma-" 

You quickly interrupt the AI's long speech, "thank you thank you- and who is that please?" pointing at the real Stark.  "I'm not entirely sure sir. My systems are simply identifying him as 'Princess Peach'." 

At that, Nat gasped and Peter literally fell off of his chair collapsing in laughter. Tony just stared at you in scandalized shock for a few moments, still needing time for everything to set in. Your eyes caught Sam's as he chuckled while making a slitting throat motion with his hand, wincing as Bucky smacked him in the arm. His own grey eyes sparkling with amusement. 

"So you're the little shit who's been messing with my settings!!" 

Although Tony's accusing words sliced through the air, you couldn't help but notice a small glimmer of awe in the billionaire's eyes and smile to yourself. Steve and the others looked at you questioningly. "Yeah sorry I may or may not have gotten really bored one day and rearranged the icons, made all font cursive and changed the wallpaper on his office home screen...several times... over the last 7 months" You added the last part timidly. . Clint sputtered on his apple juice. "It's set to wear off in about 10 minutes, or I can just fix everything right now if you'd like" you bat your eyelashes sarcastically at Tony who was currently deadpanning. You pull your laptop out of your backpack and pull up a screen full of numbers and commands as you begin changing the AI's coding back to normal. 

"No way... how did you get the password to Mr.Stark's personal wifi?" Peter leaned over your shoulder in awe, watching you work. 

"password?" you laugh quietly. "who needs a key when you can just find an open window" Steve frowned at your comment, obviously disagreeing with your logic. 

"Hey JARVIS, who's that?" you test the AI to make sure it's running smoothly. 

"He is Mr. Anthony Star-" 

"yeah yeah don't need the long version. Thank you!" 

"Of course, Miss Sentimental Marshmallow" Tony smirked at your computer's name. 

You roll your eyes "Just Lily Haywood please" you corrected him. 

"Very well, Lily" You could have sworn the AI was hiding a smile behind his voice if that was even possible. 


Short chapter but me does not care

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Short chapter but me does not care

-gryff, who is very done with life ❤

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