Chapter 6

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"C'mon Lily, I'll show you to your room" Steve called over his shoulder as he walked down a hallway several floors above the lounge. You trailed behind him down a long hallway, walking alongside Bucky.

You passed several doors with various signs and stickers on them, "That's Tony" Steve gestured to a door filled almost completely with fan art, the words I am Ironman above the doorway.

"Nat and Wanda" you glanced over to see a black door with red lace decals next to one with yellow flowers on the front "and here you are" finally arrived at the end of the hallway, Steve stops infront of a plain door next to red and silver one, and across the hall from a light brown one with white stars on it. You smile realizing they had put you near your best friends.

The room was very clean and bright, with oak furniture and white furnishings. You peeked into the white marbel bathroom to see a travel pack of toiletries already set out as if you were in a hotel.

"Alright well I'll leave you to settle in and Nat should stop by later to let you borrow some clothes and take you shopping" you smile at Cap as he stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. You walk over to him and place a kiss on his cheek and smile up at him.

"Thanks for everything Steve. It's good to be home" a slight pink creeped around his neck collar as he patted your shoulder and left.

You toss your backpack on the leather chair in the corner, take your shoes off and wiggle your toes into the thick carpet, giggling to yourself.

I could get used to this

You flop on the bed face down, sending the pillows in every direction.

Ouch! Not smart not smart not smart

You groan loudly into the comforter and gingerly got up after landing on your injury, trying to ignore the new throbbing sensation. Your ears pick up a faint laugh coming from the doorway. Turning to catch Bucky as he sheepishly covered his laughter with an awkward cough, you blush.

"Exactly how much of that did you witness?" You sit up with a mock pout.

The winter soldier chuckled and sat next to you on the bed, "enough" he smiled.

The two of you fell silent.

"Lily I just wanted to say-"

"Bucky, about what happened back then-"

You both laugh as you talked over eachother. He motioned for you to go ahead.

"Bucky, let's just put the past behind us okay? Neither of us were in our right minds back then and I don't want any of that to hurt our friendship" you reach out and grasp his hand. He softly looks down and runs his fingers over your knuckles.

"I.. I hurt you so much though" a breath hitched in his throat as flashbacks flitted through his mind. Bucky instinctively put an arm around you, pulling you into a bear hug. The light smell of lavender and cotton from your hoodie calmed him down immediately.

"Are you sure this is necessary??" You questioned as Thor and Nat had to practically drag you out of the house.

"Yes lady Haywood I assure you it is. As I believe the youth of midguard say like to say, 'get in loser we're going shopping'"

Nat glares at him disapprovingly while you laugh.

Peter must have shown him Mean Girls.

I'm so fancy
You already know
I'm in the fast lane
From L.A. to Tokyo

You and Thor screamed the lyrics that you knew at the top of your lungs while a very amused Nat hummed along.

As you arrive at the shopping mall, you make a beeline for your favorite store and quickly grab some black ripped jeans, a couple band tshirts and a yellow hoodie. You go up to the counter and pull out the credit card stark had given you.

"Hey Lily! Check out this sick move!" *crash*

Nat and you jump at the loud sound behind you, followed by several disgruntled voices. Running toward the sound, you stop and Nat gasps. you stiffel a laugh and snap a photo of the sight infront of you before reaching down to help pull a confused Thor from the stack of shoe boxes he had crashed into.

"THAT BOARD OF SKATES MUST BE CURSED" the asguardian boomed grumpily, gesturing to the now broken penny board at at his feet.

Nat payed for the damage as the three of you headed out.

Next, Nat and you went to get some necessities from Pink while you left Thor in the food court happily munching on a churro.

"So, what's the deal with you and Steve?" Nat smirked at you. You shot her a confused look and grabbed some leggings off the rack.

"Oh come on, the guy never stopped talking about you since the day you came back. You can't expect me to believe you two don't have some kinda history." At her last comment, you felt your face grow a little warm. You had always been close to Steve, and sure maybe even had a small crush when you had first met, but you had never really considered that a possiblity.

You opened your mouth, trying to find the right words. "He- he talks about me?" The words came out in a squeak.

Nat laughed and tossed a sports bra in your direction "yeah well he sure as hell doesn't talk about Tony that way"


Nat deadpanned as you quoted the Captains all too famous words. She didn't breach the subject again, but she definitely noticed your slight change in attitude for the rest of the day.

-back at the compound-

You felt absolutely exhausted by the time you came home, so you decided to skip dinner and just read a book from the stack Loki had brought you from the library. Your eyes wandered from the page as your thoughts drifted to everything that had happened over the past week. It was only a matter of time before Hydra found you again.

What would happen then? To the others, to Bucky, to Steve?

You felt tears prick your eyes

This was the exact reason why I needed to stay away from them.

No longer able to see the book, you sighed and closed your eyes. Deep in your mind palace.

"This is sad, Jarvis, play Despacito"



Definitely how I'm feeling after this chapter

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Definitely how I'm feeling after this chapter.

-- a very moody Gryffin ❤

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