Chapter 8

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- Avengers Tower, Training Room- 

2:45 am 

"You will always be an outcast "


"It is your lot to be unloved "


"Marksman, are you ready to comply? "


"Please...p-please they're only children" 


Lilys fists hit the punching bag aggressively as she tried to fight voices from the past. Bucky was right. This was much better than cutting. She gave the sagging bag in front of her another hit, sending it flying across the room and crashing into the barbell rack. 


She glanced down at her knuckles and winced at the slight purple and blue bruises forming. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. 

"Wow and I thought I was having a rough night!" you turn around and give a slight smile as the blond super soldier walked over to help you pick up the weights you had knocked over.

He was wearing a tank top and sweatpants, and his hair was a little ruffled on top as if he had tried to sleep but had given up on the thought. As you both reached for the last weight, your hands brushing, he blushed slightly and you pulled away quickly as you felt your sleeves go up slightly. The last thing you wanted was for your sweet friend to see the half-healed cuts on your arms and start to worry even more about you.

He had been so sweet and gentle towards you since you had moved in. Even when you could tell he was feeling overwhelmed, he always managed to have a kind word for you or to stand up for you when the others would get too inquisitive about your past. 

"Can't sleep either, Jack?" you laugh as you made your way over to your bottle of water. Steve chuckled at the familiar nickname. 

"I still can't believe you remembered that after all these years" 

"How could I ever forget the look of shock on your faces when you lost that bet!" You shove him in the shoulder playfully. He shoves you back and you lose your balance, stumbling slightly and sputtering as some of the water goes up your nose. 

"Oh, so that's how its gonna be, huh Rogers?" The super solder gives you a questioning look before dodging the fist that flew at his head. He quickly reached for your legs and you jumped out of the way, running towards the mat and preparing for the oncoming attack. You landed a blow to his side as he ran at you, taking a swing at your head. He grabbed your outstretched arm and twisted it behind your back, holding you in a headlock. You grunt in frustration and kick upwards, your legs hooking around his neck and pulling him to the mat. After a few moments of struggling he managed to roll over you, pinning your arms down. You winced as the hoodie sleeves bit into your still raw arms. 

sugar plum fairies that's not good.

 You had taken off  Bucky's bandaging from earlier to let them breathe. Suddenly, Steve sat up. His face grew pale and he immediately got off of you. 

Steve's POV 

Lily glanced down at her wrists and saw spots of blood starting to appear through her shirt. Rubbing her sore arms, she looked at him with a strange look in her eyes. Was that fear? He carefully scooted over to her on the mat so that he was sitting in front of her. Without a word, he carefully pushed up her sleeves and let out a small gasp at all of the little red stripes that laced up both her arms. He was used to this kind of behavior from Bucky back when they were first reunited, but not his Lily. She was the last person he would have suspected. He felt tears prick his eyes as he imagined how much she must struggle in silence. 

"Steve... I-I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad" She let out a small sob before collapsing in his arms.  

mad? How could I be mad at such an innocent angel? This is all hydra's doing. I never should have let them get to her. 

Steve mentally kicked himself as he held the crying girl in his arms. He had never seen her like this before. So sweet and vulnerable. Back in the day, you had to be a top-notch fighter to be in the commandos, and it was virtually impossible to get in the army as a girl, to begin with, so Lily had always been one of the tougher cookies on the team.

She never cried, or complained, and would often outshoot or outrun the others just to maintain their respect. Heck, even Steve was a little scared of her at times. That's why he never had the courage to tell her about his feelings. She wasn't one to show her emotions often, and if she started dating the captain of their unit, she definitely would have lost her standing among the other guys. Steve's attention quickly turned back to Lily  as her crying subsided. She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes, waiting for him to say something. 

C/mon Steve, say something. Anything. 

- Lily's POV -

After a few seconds, Steve slowly responded, his eyes filled with compassion and love.

"Lily, I could never be mad at you. I can only imagine what you're going through right now, and I'm so so sorry for not being there when you needed me. mean the world to me and it breaks my heart to see you suffer like this" you wrap your arms around his neck and he squeezes you tighter before helping you up.

"Does anyone else know about this besides me?" he asked, keeping an arm around your shoulders protectively as you both walked back to your rooms. 

You paused for a moment, blushing at the memory from this afternoon. "Um yeah Bucky caught me earlier today and I made him promise not to say anything to you because I didn't want you to get mad or upset at me." His eyes clouded over as he became lost in thought. The two of you walked in silence, stopping in the hallway outside of your rooms. You gave Steve one last hug and he planted a kiss on your hair before parting ways. 

"Night Steve" 

He gave a small wave, "Goodnight" You disappeared inside and shut the door behind you, not hearing Steve whisper to himself. 

".....I love you, Lily Haywood" 


Mwahahaha don't worry babes! It's all downhill from here jkjk I would never  make yall suffer like that

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Mwahahaha don't worry babes! It's all downhill from here
jkjk I would never  make yall suffer like that.. ;)
- a very evil author

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