Chapter 16

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A/N: am changing "y/n" to Lily Haywood cuz yo soy lazy :P

ard that's all enjoyyyyy

- New Jersey, 1944 -

"Alright guys one more lap and then we'll break for  mess hall" Steve Roger's called out to the Howling Commandos as he jogged up the the jeep that had just pulled into the shade nearby. He smiled brightly as Peggy and Commander Philips hopped out of the jeep followed by an Auburn haired young woman.

"We've got another recruit for your team, Rogers. Just transferred here from Cincinnati, but I know you'll want first crack at her." The Commander stepped aside and gestured for the young woman to come come forward. She appeared to be in her mid twenties, with a slight build and sharp brown eyes. Her army uniform hugged her figure nicely, and a black standard issue belt hung around her waist fully stocked with amo, complete with a .22 magnum on each hip.

Steve's smile faltered slightly as recognition sparked in his eyes. The young woman smiled up at him, trying to read his eyes.

"Captain Roger's, may I introduce Sargent Lily Haywood."

The young woman reached out and shook hands with Steve, who had adopted a stoic expression. "Nice to meet you ma'am. May I ask what you do exactly?"

Before you could reply, Steve's second in command joined the small group, giving a slightly taken aback look on his face at the sight of their old highschool friend infront of them. You give him a slight smile and grab a handful of change out of your pocket and step back a ways.

Neatly toss the coins in the air and grabbing your pistol, you fire off 3 shots with your right hand, switch to your left and fire 3 more. The coins clatter to the ground, each with a hole through the centre. You pick the coins off the ground and poor all but one into Steve's hand with a smile, frowning at the last one which had only half a hole through the side as if someone had taken a bite out of it like a cookie.

"Hmm I'm a bit rusty sorry." You comment, getting a snort from Bucky and a deadpan from your old highschool crush.

The commander continued, "Alright well Haywood will be bunking with Carter here, but she'll be spending most of her time with the commandos, getting to know her new teammates and training alongside them."

"Welcome aboard ma'am. I think I should warn you right now though that there won't be any special treatment just because you're a woman. A commando is a commando and that means keeping up with the rest of us." Steve said coldly.

"Aww so you mean we're not going to sip tea all day and talk about our feelings?" Lily retorted with a fake pout, illiciting another snort from the otherwise silent Barnes. Steve just blinked at you with a blank expression.

"Well you lady's show Haywood around, and I'll stop by later to see how everything's going." Carter interjected, climbing back into the jeep beside commander Phillip's.

"Oh and Haywood! Try to go easy on them darling" Peggy called with a wink as they drove away, a could of New Jersey dust trailing behind them.

As soon as the jeep was out of sight, Bucky turned to you with a huge grin, pulling you into a bear hug,"Hey Dynamite!! Looks like you've been busy since graduation" you laughed slightly, returning the hug.

"Good to see you again Bucky. Still breaking hearts after all these years?" You playfully shove him in the arm as you both follow Steve through the training barracks.

"Over here is where we all sleep and have briefings. Since you won't be sleeping in the same building as us, you'll have to keep on your toes and make sure you're on time for our meetings."

Bucky frowned slightly at his friend's tone, he hadn't even acknowledged his old friend yet.


Cap turned around abruptly to face the girl, "Seven years. Seven years and you couldn't even find time to send a letter or call?"

Bucky put his arm protectively around your shoulders.

"I'm sorry guys I really am.. my dad moved us all out to Ohio right after graduation, and then I was working all the time after mom died and just.."

Steve's expression softened at the mention of your mom's passing. He lost his when he was younger.

You continued, "I wanted to get in touch I really did! That's one of the main reasons why I asked to transfer out here. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to work with my favorite guys."

"I'm sorry about your mom, doll. It couldn't have been easy leaving your family behind to come out here like this" Bucky gave your shoulder a squeeze as the three of you walked on silently.

Trying to lighten the mood a little, you skipped ahead and fell in step with Steve with a little grin, "Hey you're a little taller than I last remember" he chuckled a little at your sarcasm, same as ever.

"Bet I could still beet you in a race though" Steve retorted back with a smirk.

"Oh it's on Roger's"

"Last one to that light post has to sample Bucky's new fudge recipe!" Steve yells as you both start gunning it for the finish line, leaving a sulking Bucky in your dust. The tall blond started to pull ahead as you ran with all your might. He  stopped just a foot infront of the light post, reached out and hesitated, drawing out his victory.

"Nooo!!" You scream, crashing into him just as he touched the light post. The force of you running almost knocking him off his feet. You both were out of breath laughing as he pulled you into a hug lifting you off your feet. Wow that had never happened before.

"How'd you learn to run like that??" A very exhausted Bucky panted, finally catching up with you both.

"Honestly, I got lots of practice running from all your jealous girlfriends back in the day" you teased. Bucky flashed one of his dazzling smiles and draped an arm around each of you.

Man it felt good to be home again.



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My 11 yr old sister just found out that he visited our state last year and her friend had gone to see him without telling her... utter betrayal


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