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The flesh of this over-cooked animal is far too salty. Hard to chew. Bitter, almost. Not my favorite but it'll have to do. Knowing my family, they'd have the cooks prepare a whole new meal just for my liking.

My little brother seemed to have no problem with it. He dug right in, using his fingers as eating utensils, smearing the grease and fat all over his tanned chubby cheeks. I don't blame him for his hurry, Minsung recently started taking lessons in jousting- a sport I like to fiddle with in my free time, when I'm feeling particularly frisky. He's been spending countless hours with the trainer, hitting wooden figures on wheels with long iron rods.

Mother and Father finished just after Minsung, leaving the table after the servants removed the dishes from the table. I still sat, picking at my food. My excuse when they asked if I didn't like the food was that "my stomach is just a bit upset."

Once everyone had left the dining hall, I allowed the servants to take the remainders back to the kitchen.

I walked down the silent hallways, the sound of my shoes clicking against the stone floors. The wood of the stairs creaked beneath me, just how I like it. The sound has always comforted me.

"Son," the man's voice rang out behind me.

"Yes father?" I stopped and turned on my heel, peaking into his bedroom. He came to meet me at the door way.

"Tomorrow I will be heading into town to meet with your uncle. We have some... things to discuss regarding certain rising tensions from the east side. It's time for us to sit down and assess damages and fair for such."

"Will do, how long will you be gone for?" I nodded my head. When he's out of the castle, most authority belongs to me. My mother doesn't like to hold positions like such.

"Till dusk, I would say. But don't worry if I'm later than that." He assured me. "The day after tomorrow, the new servants arrive. I suggest you have the pre-existing tidy up their quarters tomorrow."

I nodded my head. "Would you be needing me to greet the transporter?"

"Yes, if I'm not available. They are scheduled to arrive at around high noon. I paid good money for a few of these ones. They're prisoners of war, I like to think I'm doing them a favor. They're from the south side anyways, it's much better 'round these parts than down there." He chuckled.

"Right. I'll meet them if you so need me to. I wouldn't mind."

"Thanks kid, you're doing well." His lips slightly curled up at the side and he patted my back. When he passes, I'll be named king. It's my natural born position, yet, he knows I'm weary. But, he does his best to reassure me.

From there, I disappeared into my quarters. Discarding my clothing is one thing I love the most about the end of the day. Sometimes, on low-visitational days, I get to wear my leisure clothing. But today was not one of those days. I have to dress nice, to show my power and status. I don't mind this except for the fact that this has been a particularly hot and dry summer. The wet season doesn't come for another few weeks.

One of our female servants came into my room bearing a towel and bowl of hot water. I washed my face and then returned the things to the tray for her to take. I like to thank our servants when I can. I'm not particularly fond of the way that some of them get treated, but that's the way things have to be. I can only hope for the better when the day comes that I am named king.

"Jungkooki!" My little brother's voice rang out. He came running into my room half naked, pants half unbuttoned. He must have escaped bathing time again. He sees it as a fun pastime to try and escape his tub of water, even though he is by far the dirtiest  little boy I've met.

King of Nothing | Taekook Where stories live. Discover now