Chapter Four

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"Jungkook! Hey! Stop that!" Taehyung laughed, trying to push me away as I jabbed my fingers at his  sides. We've gotten closer recently. We spent three whole days together, since my dad was gone to the east side in that time.

"Need help with anything?" I asked.

"No, actually. I'll be done with laundry after I hang these few pieces out to dry. What do you want?"

"I just want to talk to you." I pouted.

"Acceptable excuse." He said and walked over to the clothesline. He walked into one of the sleeping quarters. I've never been in here before. A few people gave me wide-eyed looks. Why would the Prince be in here? I could guess what they're all thinking.

Taehyung's bed was just an old mattress pushed up against the corner. He doesn't even have a pillow. I thought we made sure every bed has one.

"Where'd your pillow go? Why's your mattress on the floor?" I asked. He plopped himself down onto it, leaning his back against the tiny single-person bed.

"Never had either."

"I'll get you a pillow."

"You really don't have to. Just having a blanket is more than I've had in my entire life." He laughed and pulled it up off the ground, shaking the dirt off of it. It gets dusty in here from the days of traffic going in and out.

I frowned.

"I'll get you a pillow, regardless."

"Alright," he shrugged his shoulders.

Trust yourself. Say what you need to say.

I sat up and turned to look at him, lowering my voice. "If you wanna know what a real bed feels like, come sleep with me tonight. My bed is too big for one person, anyways."

He burst out laughing, "Jungkook, you'd get kicked out of your own home if we got caught."

"No I won't, I sleep with my door locked. I can sneak you in after everyone has gone to bed. There's four people inside that house at night. Just carry some sheets with you. Make it look like you're bringing them to my room."

"You're crazy,"

"Thank you, I'm aware of that. Come on, you know you want to." I bumped his arm with mine," Just once. I want you to just have one night where you don't have to sleep like this."

Taehyung sighed, "Fine. Just once."

"Oh, yay!"

"I swear, Jungkook, you're going to get me into some big trouble one day." He chuckled and scooted closer, laying his head on my shoulder. My breath never hitched, I didn't tense up. When other people make physical contact with me, that's what usually happens. However, when it's him... It's just different.

"Alright, come on." I whispered, waving my hand. Taehyung stepped lightly behind me. He's absolutely terrified, but for no reason. We have servants all over the castle during the day and before we all turn in for bed. He'd be looked over if anyone even saw him.

I dragged him silently up the stairs and to my bedroom. He paused in awe of the area. He couldn't stop talking about the main parts of the castle yesterday. I'll have to give him a full tour sometime. He's mainly an outside worker, cleaning cloths, sheets, and laundry, or things relating to such.

"This is crazy. I shouldn't be allowed up here." He said, shaking his head.


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