Chapter Thirteen

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"I feel so alone in the world. Or at least, used to, not as much anymore since I met you. But yet I still feel that way." Taehyung sighed. Tonight we were laying on the floor with our heads underneath one of the larger windows in my room. The one with no place to sit. His eyes never broke away from the stars. "The world seems so big to me, and it makes me feel so small. So insignificant."

I'm just listening to him talk, sometimes I find it's better if I wait to respond.

"I see the other servants I work with all laughing and having fun with each other, but I was never able to fit in. Wherever I went, I tried so hard."

Our shoulders were pressed together. We no longer leave space between us when we lay or sit. I find it endearing.

"They sometimes even find themselves falling in love." His voice got quieter, "And I look at them and think how nice it would be. To find someone out there who could love me." He exhaled deeply, "I see myself and think: Nobody could ever love this. I'm a malnourished bag of bones with an ugly face and dirty skin. I feel like I get so clingy to the few things in my life that feel stable. Like you, and my old cow, and daily routines. I feel so annoying and gross all the time." His voice fell.

I broke the silence and said, "You must be really oblivious, then, huh?"

He looked at me in confusion.

"You're a smart boy, I'd think you'd be more intuitive." I shook my head and sat up, turning my torso a little so I was facing him.

"I love you."

His body froze.

"I don't like having to sit here and hear you talk bad about yourself like this because it's not true. You're not ugly, Taehyung. You're not gross, and you're not annoying. I love you a lot, more than I can even begin to admit to myself. And I have since the day we met. You know we have some special bond that linked us. We've just been so blind to it before. But I can see it, now."

Taehyung scooted up the wall a little bit. "I— I... I thought I was just making it up in my head. I never thought there was a way you could feel... the same... about me. You can't. You can't love me." He shook his head and backed away an inch.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a servant-"

"You need to stop with all of this servant bullshit. I know your social class, and I know mine. They don't matter. They're just social classes. It's a construct. They don't mean anything if you don't let them."


"Look," I pulled him back over to me, "all I've wanted to do is make you happy, give you things you deserve in life. And I want to continue to be able to do that. So while all this confidence is spilling from me, I'll tell you exactly how I feel." I took his face in my hands softly and looked into his eyes.

"I want to hold your hand while we sleep, I want to lay with you, and hold you close when you have bad dreams. I want to see you smile all the time. I want to be able to play with your shaggy hair, to look into your eyes whenever I want and you know that you do have someone out here that loves you."

His eyes began welling up with tears, "I just want to give you the life you deserve. I want to make you happy. I want to make up for all of those missed years you had." My voice fell to a whisper. His thumb grazed my cheek softly. He pulled my face to his and we kissed. It felt like volts of electricity were shooting through my body.

We pulled away after a few moments and I brought him into my arms, "You know I love you, too." He whispered.

"The witch doctor has a name for the way you and I feel about each other. She calls it a soul mate, a person you are just immediately connected to, even though you don't know how or why. I think we're soulmates."

"You're probably right,"


A/N: Hey guys, that was super sappy but hopefully decent and sweet. I can't think of any way to continue this chapter other than them just falling asleep, haha.

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