Chapter Twenty-Four

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It wasn't long after my father got back from his trip that we began to worry. He wasn't making sense in the things he was saying. The others just weren't agreeing to peace. They've tried everything they can. He acted stressed, he was more irritable. I could hardly hold a conversation with him; nor my mother. They left my brother in town with family friends, claiming that he "just needed to be with some kids his own age." But, I know that they wanted to shelter him from my father in this time.

His irritability told me one thing.

They declared war on us.

Nobody is sure about what's going to happen, but my father has to leave once again. Our army is small, we never need one before, and never saw needing one. Our warriors are raring to fight, but we will likely need more than just them. Common people will have to enlist for us. A draft, they're calling it. All able-bodied men will fight.

We aren't even sure who will strike first.

All we know is that they're mad, and they want what they want. No more negotiating.

I haven't told Taehyung. I, myself, am terrified. I won't have to fight, but my father will likely send off our servants. And, with Taehyung being a young, fit boy, he's a perfect target.

So, I, myself, have been very panicky and stressed out. He's been worried about me, but I just can't open up. I would hands down just grab him and run away, but I know I can't. It's up to me to be a good son, and to be a second in command to my father during this. I may not want to be a prince, but I have to obey my duties. If we ran away, I'd surely be captured— and he would surely be sold off or even killed.

All he knows, is that I'm stressed.

As we sat in my bed, my back against his chest, he scratched my head. We didn't talk, just enjoyed the sun. It's always nice to have our roles reversed. I enjoy the way he comforts me. His hands know their way around my body so well, they're always so warm.

He hummed to me quietly. I haven't been able to relax, or even calm down. My heart is always racing, my body is always uneasy. I don't know what to do.

Every inch of me wants to grab my things and run. To break into the safe, rob my family's fortune, and make a run for it. I could do it. I could find somewhere for us to hide for a few years until things die down. I could build a great life for Taehyung and I. And that's all I've ever wanted. It's all I ever dream about.

But there's the part of me that fears. My fathers men would track me down easily.

I need to find some way to keep Taehyung safe. To keep him hidden. But, to be able to keep watch of him.

That's it.

I'm going to hide him.

"Taehyung." I turned around, "I need you to fake your death."

He looked absolutely shocked, "What!?"

"Our country— We're going to war. I'm so sorry I haven't said anything. I've been panicking. They're going to draft you into the military, Tae. All men are getting drafted, even servants. I can't let them take you away."

He didn't answer, he just stared at me.

"Please, this is the only option. We'll fake your death and I'll hide you somewhere is the forest. I'll build you somewhere to stay, and I'll come see you every day."

"Jungkook... I don't think I could do that..."

"I..." I got up, holding my head in my hands. I put on my shoes and coat and said, "Meet me at the stables in ten minutes." I then quickly left.

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