Chapter Eighteen

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Taehyung POV

Jungkook has to leave today. His mother, father, and brother will be out of town for the next week. All I know is that one sector has been mad at another sector for a while and nothing is getting better. Usually, Jungkook gets to stay behind. But, his father is now requiring him to go, and for all seven days. This isn't the first time he's been gone for a while since we first connected. But, I'll never get used to it. Plus, winter is on the high, and these cold nights just aren't the same without him there to keep me warm.

As I stood near the shed, folding some cloths neatly and placing them on the shelf, my shoulders were grabbed and I was spun around. I came face to face with Jungkook.

"Hi," he said, with a devious grin on his lips. I heard his name get shouted by a woman who I can assume is his mother. I've never met her before.

He roughly kissed me and then turned and ran away, looking back at me once to wave and yell, "I love you!"

I laughed and replied, "I love you, too!" I shook my head, face burning hot with a smile. I'll never get used to the way he does that. The way he turns into this happy little boy as he parts from me, yelling behind him to tell me he loves me. His parents like to keep a close eye on him on days that they're departing. He tends to get distracted easily and cause them to be late. I guess it's a constant thing. They think he's just lazy, when really we both know he just doesn't want to go, so he's stalling. Which actually takes a lot of effort because he has to run and hide from his scary parental figures.

I went back to folding, already missing his face. Not having him around for a while usually gets me into this weird mood. I know he'll be back, but my constant fears of abandonment always kick in when I know he's gone. Right now, I'm okay. I'm wearing one of his shirts. It smells like him. So I'm alright. The panicking usually doesn't kick in until the second or third day.

It's safe to say that I have really bad attachment issues. If there's any sort of stability in my life, I grab onto it and try and never let it go. But nothing in my life has ever been permanent. And I can't help but fear that Jungkook isn't permanent, either. But I do like to believe him when he says that he won't let me go. He speaks with such an assuring tone, one that soothes me, telling me I'm safe, that I'll never have to leave this place. Servants hardly ever leave the palace anyways. This is more of a final workplace for servants who work here. They stay here until they get old and die. Simple as that.

Jungkook says for me to just go sleep in his room on nights he's not here. I used to never do that just because it didn't feel right, but nowadays, it's been sounding more inviting, since he's been gone more. Plus, I think I'm going to need it. Despite having his shirt ON me, I'm still beginning to feel the jitters. I hate that I'm so emotionally dependent on him, but I can't help it. And I know it's the same way for him. He relies on me for a lot of things, but his needs are usually more emotional than physical. I like to be held, and he likes having someone to tell his feelings to. We balance each other out. He likes to hold my hand, and I think it's the purest, most innocent thing in the world. He holds it when we sleep, mostly. There's just something about having our fingers laced tightly together that makes him turn all mushy.

Before him, I never thought I was capable of loving another human, and much less never thought I'd ever have someone to love. I always saw myself dying alone, because that's the sad truth for most servants. Especially the ones who love a bit more... unconventionally. Nowadays it's all boy and girl, which puts a bit of added pressure on Jungkook and I. But we work around it.

I went on my way and continued to work until dinner time came. I learned my lesson the last time that I gave up my dinner. So, I now only give up portions of it, if I need to. Jungkook likes to shove food down my throat all the time, so I have gained a bit of weight that I can spare.

I've managed to get to know a lot of the other servants. Nowadays I keep to myself, too anxious to talk to anyone. But I figured it couldn't hurt to have some company.

"I've been feeling the cold chills lately, I'm looking forward to the snow, just not to the cold nights." One of the older ladies laughed. The other servants laughed and agreed with her until one of the other ladies piped in.

"Taehyung here probably won't have to worry about the cold this winter." She snickered playfully and hit my shoulder with hers. I looked down shyly. They all obviously know that Jungkook and I are friends. We usually hide from their eyes when we show any kind of affection.

"I'm glad that boys got a friend," one of the other ladies said. She's one that Jungkook has known since he was a child. "He's always been quite of a loner. Have you gotten him out of his shell, Taehyung? I see him smiling a lot nowadays."

Most of the servants really care for him; the older ladies mostly. Jungkook's always been well-liked, he was just a super shy guy, I hear.

"Yeah," I said, "he's been doing better." I didnt really know what to say. I didn't know him before I got here. I only know the Jungkook that I saw in the days leading up to us becoming friends. He was shy and a bit confused, anxious, even, but then he quickly became this super sweet and friendly guy who likes to sleep holding your hand. The thought of his quick transition makes me laugh. I just know that this boy was hiding in there all along and just needed a little push to start seeing the happy side of his life.

One thing I do look forward to, is Jungkook promising to take me into town when he gets back. The town isn't far from here, I've just never been there, and haven't left this place since I got here almost a year ago.

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