Chapter Twenty-Two

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When I woke up, Taehyung was still holding me softly agains this chest, leaned up against the headboard of my bed. Sometimes I like it when we switch positions. Being smothered in love is usually something I do to him. Waking up cuddled tightly in his arms is a nice way to wake up, though, I get why he likes it so much.

I do feel like an actual baby right now. I fell asleep after moving into a new position. I was straddling his lap, chest locked up against his, my face buried in the crook of his neck. I could stay right here forever. Being babied is definitely a weakness of mine. I loose all sense of time and feeling in my limbs, not wanting to ever move.

After a little while longer of drifting in and out of consciousness, Taehyung woke up.

"Morning," I muttered.

"Hey," he replied, instantly reaching up to run his fingers through my hair, like I do most nights to him. My eyes were in a lot of pain, puffy and swollen.

"I'm sorry about last night." I said, pushing myself up so that I was just sitting on his legs. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeves, trying to get them to clear up.

"You don't have to apologize, Kooks. You never do, for anything." He gave me one of his soft morning smiles, one where his eyes crinkle up. I leaned forward for a kiss, then rolled off of him. He stretched his arms and legs out.

"Ooh, okay that kinda hurts." He laughed, swinging his legs off the side of the bed next to mine. "I called it." He forced himself to stand and wined. We both laughed, knowing very well what hurts and why.

We both lazily got changed, taking a minute here and there to mess with each other, you know, making each other's lives just a little bit harder when trying to complete such a simple task as getting dressed.

Taehyung pulled me over to the window with him. It was very cloudy outside today. A perfect day to stay in and hide from the cold that's been creeping in. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I was thinking a lot about what you said last night." He said, looking out the window. "I hated seeing you cry like that." He looked back at me. I like when we stand close together. I'm just slightly taller than him. His nose hides just under mine, and there's only so much of a gap that he could stand on his tippie toes to kiss me, without me moving my head down.

"I know that your future is really unsure, and it scares you, I get that. I used to feel the same way when it came to not knowing where I'd be going or for how long. For me right now, I know I'll likely be working here for the rest of my life. The honest truth is, that, you'll take the throne when your father steps down. We may have to break apart then. And I know it's something that neither of us want to think about," his voice wobbled, "but it's something that could happen. But like I said last night, Kooks, it's not like we'd have to avoid each other. You know I'll always love you regardless of whatever happens in the future, and nothing could ever change that."

I closed the gap between us and tucked my head into the cloth of his sweater.

"I kind of like this soft side of you. I don't get to see it much. But, anyways, just don't think about that stuff right now. I know you tend to worry about the future. Just try and think of our future positively, no matter how obscure the idea may seem. Just imagine the scenario of when we find that little house you've always wanted. When we're living on our own, completely free of everything. Just like you always talk about."

"I know... I just—"

"Shh, I know Kooks. I know. Let's just stop thinking about it. Hopefully, we won't have to face that for a while."

I nodded, knowing it's better to just not think about it. Like he said, we hopefully won't have to face it for a while. I just have to hope he's right.

"Let's go into town today. That'll be nice." I said. I've been wanting to take him there for a while now. "I'll just go get a horse from the stagecoach stables. It's only about a twenty minute walk from here."

"Okay," he said and took my face in both of his hands, giving me a dramatic kiss. "I love you." He said with a tough look on his face.

I scrunched up my nose and said, "I love you, too. Let's sneak you out, and then I'll come get you again in a little bit when the coast is clear."


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