Chapter Two

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Amidst my confusion, I was feeling other things. My mind was running wild. I just stared at my reflection, watching the silent tears run down my cheeks. I don't know why I'm crying. I haven't cried since I was young.

"Have we met before?" Taehyung's words rang through my ears over and over again. I feel terrible for running away, but how am I supposed to answer that? Especially after thinking the same thing, myself.

There's no possible way that we could have met before. Right? Unless it was very brief. I don't go anywhere, usually. And when I do, it's to meet noblemen and noblewomen.

I probably made him feel like shit.

I must go back.

But how do I address this? I feel so conflicted. I should go talk to the witch doctor. She will know what I have to do. She will be able to tell me what's going on. I have got to hope.

I got up and wiped my face, jogging back to the castle where I sent a messenger to go summon Madame Ji-Sol. I sat inside my quarters and waited anxiously for her arrival.

"What seems to be the problem, young one?" Madame Ji-Sol asked me, taking my hands in hers as she sat down in front of me at the table.

"Something's happened, and it's got me a bit fuzzled. You must promise not to tell anyone."

"I won't, as long as it doesn't concern your safety."  She nodded.

"We got some new servants about a week ago. I couldn't help but feel like I had met one of them before, even though I knew that I hadn't. He spoke to me earlier today, asking me the same question. I didn't know what to think, so I ran away. I know we've never met before."

The woman just smiled and patted my hands.

"This is something far out of my hands, sweet Prince. You'll need to figure this one out on your own."

I sighed and nodded.

"Go back and talk to him, if you're able. I don't see why you wouldn't be. Give him your honesty, he gave you his."

I nodded again.

"It'll be okay, I can sense your hesitancy. Trust him, trust yourself. You'll be alright." She gave me a warm, comforting smile. "There's more to this world than people understand, young Prince. It's best if you not question it's ways anymore. You're growing older, trust your instincts. Especially when it comes to running a kingdom."

I nodded once more, unable to think of anything to say.

"Is that all? Anything else on your mind?"

I shook my head, "That's all."

"Good, good. Go talk to him when you have a chance, alright? Let him know that you've felt the same thing. You wouldn't want him thinking he made a mistake, would you?"


"Right then." She stood up and grabbed her shawl. "I wish you well, young one. Trust yourself. I know you do." She bowed once and then disappeared, leaving me sitting alone in the large, empty room. I laid my head down and took a moment to myself. I haven't felt this sick in a very long time.

But, as I do with every emotion, I kept it internalized, standing with my head held high. I took a deep breath and walked slowly to the back exit. Taehyung was sitting underneath a tree, sewing what looked to be a bag.

He didn't seem to notice me until I was standing right in front of him. He just looked at me for a moment and then shied away.

"I'm sorry for running away earlier." I sat down next to him, leaving about a foot of space. I unbuttoned my navy blue shawl, I'd thrown it on earlier to look more presentable. I took it off and placed it on my lap.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have said that anyways. It was stupid of me." Taehyung shook his head and got up, walking to a shed. I followed behind closely. He placed the needle and thread back in the basket.

"No, it's okay." He began rummaging through things on top of a wooden shelf. I sucked in a deep breath, "I thought the same thing. The first time I saw you." Suddenly there was a large crash and Taehyung yelped, jumping back. The shelf had fallen. He and I both hurried to pick things up while he apologized profusely.

"You're fine, don't worry about it." I assured. The self is very old anyways, I don't blame him for his shock either.

"I, um," his voice started to shake a little. I looked at his left hand, there was a large slice in it, a large splinter sticking out of it.

"Oh man, come on, I'll get you bandaged up." I said,  "My little brother gets hurt all the time." Taehyung stayed silent, looking more scared than I think I'd seen anyone before.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" I asked, opening the door to the castle. His eyes widened. I grabbed his arm and pulled him gently into a small room. I grabbed the bandages and cleaning fluid.

"Sit here," I said and he sat on the wooden chair. "Give me your hand." I took his hand into mine gently, feeling another warm wave flood though my body. He looked down at his feet. I pulled the piece of wood out from his palm, feeling him flinch.

"Sorry, this might hurt." I said, grabbing the bottle of cleaning fluid. I poured it on his hand and he hissed, biting on his tongue. I then dried his hand off and wrapped it in a long strip of cloth.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry! Did it hurt too bad?" Taehyung started shaking, one single tear falling from his eye.

He shook his head, "I'm- I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, no, no, it's okay! Don't worry about it. Well get it fixed." I said, worried as to why he's taking an innocent mistake so hard.

"I- I used to get... I used to get b-b-"

"They would hurt you? If you made a mistake?" I lowered my voice and kneeled down so that we were eye-level. Taehyung nodded.

"We don't do that here."

"I'm sorry, it happened so- so often, I just panic now, whenever I mess up."

"Don't worry about that anymore, we don't punish. I wouldn't allow it, even if we did."

But still, Taehyung continued to cry softly into his hands. Somehow, I understood. Understood why he's crying. He's like me, unable to let emotions out until they come all at once.

I thought back to what Madame Ji-Sol told me. Trust yourself. I shouldn't doubt myself. So, in line with that. I leaned forward and I brought Taehyung into a hug. His body tensed up momentarily, but then he relaxed against me, crying more.

"What's my life become?" He muttered, "I've been beaten my whole life. I come somewhere, thinking they will be different- But they're all the same. Heartless people."

It felt so nice to be hugging someone. Physical affection exists only between my brother and I. Under different circumstances, I think I would like the hug more if he wasn't crying.

"I told you, Taehyung. We won't hurt you. My father may be cold, but he's understanding." I pulled away and made him look at me. "Trust me, please."

"You are definitely still the weirdest Prince I've ever heard of." He said, a small smile pulling at his lips. "You were right about not fitting in, I can see it, too. You're very different."

I gave him a soft smile in return, standing up to put the bandages away.

"Thank you,"

"For what?" I said, turning back around.

"Showing me kindness."

I cocked my head to the side, wanting him to elaborate.

"I know, it sounds weird. I just... as you can tell, haven't been treated very fair in life. What I told you earlier only highlighted the few good things." He shook his head, standing up to meet my eyes. "I wasn't expecting to come to a new place and be met with, well, you." He dropped his gaze. "You- You felt the same thing, didn't you?"

I swallowed hard, drawing in a bit of confidence before I spoke, "Yeah, I felt it too."

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