Chapter Nineteen

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Jungkook POV

After spotting my mom on the look for me, I halted around the corner. I'm trying to get away to go say goodbye to Taehyung.

Once her back turned, I bolted towards the back door and into the field. I laughed to myself. I like playing this game, even though it drives my parents mad. I like to make them a little mad every once in a while.

I spotted Taehyung standing just outside of one of the sheds folding some sheets. Luckily for us, this shed is more on the outskirts of the servant's work areas. It's a storage building, mostly. So he's usually the only one to come around these parts.

I grabbed him as I came to a quick halt, turning him around to face me. He was startled.

"Hi," I said, chuckling and out of breath. I brought his face to mine and gave him a quick kiss, my mother's voice ringing through the air, calling my name. I pulled away and began to run away, towards the front of the castle.

I turned around for a moment, still running, to shout, "I love you!"

"I love you too!" He shouted back, obviously amused. I like to leave him laughing rather than sad. But I know neither of us will keep this laughter for long. It's hard to be apart from him for so long.

I finally got to the front of the castle and climbed quickly into the carriage where my brother was already sitting, fast asleep and wrapped in a blanket. I calmed my breathing as quickly as I could,  not wanting my parents to see. My head was a bit dizzy.

After another few minutes, my parents came out, after being alerted that I was already in the carriage. My mother was still looking for me. They got into their transport and we took off. I leaned back against the wood and stared off into the distance as we rode.

I hate having to leave Taehyung, I really do. It makes me feel sick to know that I'm so far away from him, and anything could happen to either of us at any moment. It makes me feel anxious. My worst fear is that he gets hurt again or accidentally breaks something. He's a little clumsy so it's not a rare thing to happen. We've been working on his panicking episodes when that happens, but it's only getting better because I'm there with him. Anything can happen in seven days.

I'm going to bring him back a sweater from this shop that I've always loved since I was young. The sweet woman who makes them always likes to sit and chat, and I enjoy talking with her. The material itself is just so soft, when I put on one of my sweaters, I never want to take it off. I'll just have to be sneaky about getting it. I have payment, and I can hide it in my bags from my parents. I know Taehyung will like it. He likes to feel secure, and often likes to sleep in my coats, no matter how warm it may be in my room that night. He just loves the feeling of being safe.

During winter we get new shipments on warmer clothing for the servants anyways, so I doubt my father or mother would notice him wearing it.

Like I promised myself I would, I was able to sneak out and into the market. It's the fourth day of me being here. I do like the change of scenery every once in a while. I told Taehyung I would take him into the town near the castle sometime. I know he'd like to see it, and he deserves to get out of there for at least the day.

I got looks and stares as I passed though. I tried to change my appearance the best I could, to avoid being recognized, but it's hard. People just know me everywhere I go. I do enjoy the little kids, however. They like to say hi to me, and I say Ho back. I'm always polite to the people I meet, they're just excited to see a prince walking through the village, and I don't blame them. I would be excited too.

Finally, I came to the tiny sweater shop. I peeked my head in and the woman recognized me immediately.

"Prince Jeon Jungkook! Oh what a pleasure to see you again my dear!" She said and made her way over to me as quick as her frail old bones allowed her. She took my hands in hers and asked, "How've you been darling?"

As you can tell, she really likes me.

"I've been well, how have you been Mi-Na?"

"I've been very good, myself. What brings you to town? Have you outgrown your sweaters?" She chuckled.

As a cover, I said, "Yes, actually. I've come for two more."

"Oh, goodie. Lucky for you, I have this dark green here for you, I know you once said you really liked this color. Would you like this one again?"

"Yes! Of course, you know me. I'll always take green. And I'll also have a white one, but just a size bigger than the regular." Taehyung likes my bigger clothing.

"I'll have to make that one right now. Lucky for you, I have no other customers." She laughed.

"Mind if I stay?" I asked.

"Of course, of course. It's been a while, we must catch up." She brought me into the back of her shop where she had shelves of cloths and fabrics and all these other curious things. I took a seat in a chair near hers and she began to gather her materials. I love watching her work them together.

"So, anyone lucky enough to have the Prince's heart yet?" She chuckled. She likes to ask this a lot. I know it's entertaining for her to always have to hear my reasons why I don't look for a relationship. I know she'll be pleased to hear about Taehyung. I've never told another human about us before. I can trust this woman with most of my secrets, we have deep talks. And I know she doesn't talk to my parents.

"Actually, yeah."

She raised an eyebrow at me and sat down to begin stitching the floppy pieces of fabric together. "Do tell me more."

"His name is Taehyung."

"Oh! It's a boy!" She giggled, "I'll bet he's extra lucky then, the girls are going to be so jealous. What's he like?"

"His name is Taehyung. And he's absolutely wonderful. He's who this white sweater is for. I figured it would be a nice gift for the coming cold months."

"Definitely. How'd you two meet?"

I bit my tongue. Better to just be honest, "Uhm, he's a servant, actually. At our castle. I met him the first day they came, and I guess I just fell in love the second I saw him. He felt the same way- We both had this feeling like we'd met each other before. We just bonded so fast."

"That's adorable. Your story sounds like something the local children would watch in a play."

"How's your stress been? I know the last time we talked, you weren't feeling so well with all the future-king stuff. I do see that you've gained some weight back. Good to see that you're no longer just walking bones."

"Yeah," I huffed, "I think I've been managing it much better since I have Taehyung for support. I find that it's best if I don't think about my future duties. I'll just deal with them when the day comes, which hopefully isn't soon. I'm definitely not cut out to be king." I sighed, "I don't want to have a kingdom to run, people to order around, and things to constantly deal with. I don't like the idea of having to run a kingdom. The idea of being a king is likable, but not the duties behind the title."

"And that's alright, honey, not everyone is cut out for things like that. I know you prefer a simple, low-profile life. I hope you can get that one day. Not every king has to be a king of something. You can still be a king and be a king of nothing."

"A king of nothing," I huffed, "I like how that sounds."

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