Chapter Fifteen

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Two Months Later

I couldn't have mentally prepared myself for the virtual horror I would witness that night as I snuck along the walls of the dim castle, trying not to make a sound. I was passing by a window that faced the main back lot. I tend to look out this one a lot to see if I can spot Taehyung.

Tonight, I did spot him, but not in his usual state. He was sitting on his knees, face in his hands. A tall dark figure loomed over him. I watched as Taehyung slowly rose his head, and the figure slapped him with something right across the face. I stared in horror, unable to move.

The figure turned, and that's when I realized that the figure was my father. My father had just hit a servant, something he told me he'd never do. I plead him as a child to never harm the servants. He promised me.

Taehyung crumbled to the ground, holding himself in a balled up position. I turned and ran down the stairs silently, almost like I wasn't touching the stone at all. My father passed me, not sparing a glance my way, as if he didn't see me.

I sped around the corner and out into the yard. The other servants were all silent, continuing their work. I knelt down next to Taehyung and touched his shoulder, he flinched away and broke out of his ball. His body was shaking uncontrollably. In the dim light, I could still see the large cut across his face, landing just along his cheekbone and across the bridge of his nose.

"Taehyung..." I was at a loss for words. I know how much he fears any sort of punishment. The first day I met him, I saw first hand how his fears affect him. It's not pretty, and it basically demobilizes him.

"I'm so sorry," my voice broke. Suddenly I felt so at fault. My own father had inflicted pain upon someone I love very dearly. My heart was shattered.

"Come here," I sat down in the grass, pulling him softly to me. I didn't want to trigger any kind of fight or flight response he could have to my touch, so I was very gentle. His arms wrapped around me and he started to quietly cry. I rubbed his back and rocked him back and forth, soothing him like a baby. I've slept with him enough times to know how to comfort him when he's distraught. He tends to have nightmares most nights. And, he's a soft guy, he doesn't bottle in his emotions anymore.

After a minute or so, I said, "Come with me, let's get you cleaned up." After noticing that he wasn't only bleeding from his face. His arms were also cut in the same manner. I took him into that same back room I brought him to almost seven months ago to the day, never letting go of his hand. I'm feeling both angry at my father, and at myself. I don't know why this happened to Taehyung, and I can't help but feel like I may have caused it.

I sat him down on the wooden seat and grabbed a cloth and bucket of water. "What happened?" I said in a low voice.

"I- I was j-j-just-" he stumbled over his words, he was still shaking really bad. I could tell he was trying really hard to form his words but could not.

I ran my thumb over his cheek, looking him deep in the eyes, "You're safe now, Tae, you're okay." He shut his eyes and started to cry again. I brought him in for another hug. With him sitting, his head was placed right under my chin. "I can't believe he hurt you. I'm so sorry. I know I promised you that he doesn't hurt the servants. I thought he didn't."

Taehyung sniffled, "I never said anything because I didn't want to hurt your trust in him." His voice was so quiet, I barely heard him.

"What? Has he done this to you before?"

"Not- Not to me. But to o-others." My heart sunk to my stomach with those words he spoke. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head. He and I have grown very close on the last couple months. After that first night of confession, our bond seemed to get pulled tighter and tighter together.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked sweetly as he pulled away, wiping away his tears with his dirty sleeves, which I stopped him from doing, using my cleaner sleeves instead.

"There wasn't enough for all of us to eat tonight, or earlier today. I gave up my meals to the older ladies. I tried sneaking into the kitchen to get something, but he caught me and ran me out into the yard after hitting me with a rope, and then did it again." He but his words out quickly, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"You haven't eaten today?"

He shook his head and I sighed.

"Let me get you all cleaned up. Then I'll give you some towels to bring to my room. Go ahead and change into something from my closet and I'll grab you some food." I brushed the hair off his forehead and began to clean the cuts on his face and arms. Anger for my father boiled inside of me, but I know I cannot deal with it right now. I have more important things to tend to. That, being Taehyung.

"What if he sees me?"

"He won't even glance your way. He doesn't remember faces. If you're just carrying the things you always have, you'll be okay. Go make yourself comfortable and I'll be right up." He stood up and I pecked his lips. I then led him out of the room and gave him an armful of clean sheets. He still looked frightened as he walked off, body shaking ever so slightly with each step he took.

I scuttled off to the kitchen and grabbed myself whatever looked like Taehyung would want. I carried it all back up to my room and dumped the food on the bed before turning back around and locking my door behind me. Taehyung was changing into the clothing I leave aside for him whenever he comes up here at night. I had startled him.

He sat next to me on the bed and ate slowly in silence. Our sides were pressed up together, my arm draped around his shoulders, and we stared out the window ahead of us. I'd moved my bed so we could watch the night sky from here.

"You okay now?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sorry for being so overreactive."

"I keep telling you, you don't have to apologize for anything like this. I understand and I know your feelings and your past. You don't ever need to apologize."

"I love you," he muttered. This simple phrase is enough to make me melt. My parents don't even say this to me anymore.

"I love you, too."

He put the food on the small round table next to my bed and then curled up next to me, wrapping his arms around my torso. I scooted us down and pulled the blankets up.

"Goodnight TaeTae. I promise I'll never let him hurt you ever again, okay? And if he does, then he's going to have to deal with his furious son, his heir to the throne."

"It's okay, Jungkook, it was my fault."

"No, it wasn't, Tae. You gave up for food for somebody, and you were hungry. I know that in other's eyes, especially his, it seems acceptable because you were 'stealing food.' But this wasn't your fault. He broke his life-long promise to me."

Taehyung nodded slowly.

"Try and get some rest now, Tae. Wake me if you need anything." I told him as he nuzzled his head against my chest. I could never get tired of this feeling.

He hummed softly in response and promptly fell asleep.

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