Chapter Nine

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"Come join me again tonight?" I asked, sneaking around a corner, Taehyung trailing behind me. "I've been lonely."

"But your family is home."

"That's the fun part. I'll sneak you in like we did the first night you stayed in with me. That was fun, right?"

"Yes, it was. But-"

"Bring a stack of linens. You'll look perfectly normal. We just won't walk together, if it makes you feel better."

"Alright," he laughed and shook his head.

It's been a couple weeks since I talked to Madame Ji-Sol. She wanted me to talk to him about the way I feel, but it never felt right. So, I've just been acting the same; saying the same. I've been paying closer attention to his body language, though. As time goes on, he grows clingier. And I don't mind that. In fact, I kind of like it. I like physical affection, so I show it back. But that's really the only thing that's changed.

I hung around with him and the other servants for a little while longer before going back inside. Taehyung told me he'd come up when he felt like the coast was clear.

A part of me wants to make a move tonight, wants to do something. I so badly want to just... I don't even know. So many feelings in one. They tend to get jumbled, so I just push them away. But the witch doctor told me to stop doing that.

I got undressed into my usual sleep attire and laid there for a while before I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it, hoping it wasn't just another servant coming in to offer me something. I already took the hot water face wash a bit ago, and notified them that I wouldn't like any visitors for the rest of the night. They usually stop after my family goes to bed anyways.

Luckily, it was Taehyung. I smiled and let him in quickly. I gave him his usual clothes that I've designated his and let him change.

"Can we watch the stars again tonight? The view from your window is nice." Taehyung asked and I nodded. I extinguished the light and sat down on the large windowsill, glancing up at the sky. It was very clear and bright tonight. He sat in front of me and looked up.

"You seem kind of stressed," he said, turning his attention over to me.

I hummed in question.

"Your vibe just feels a bit off. Anything on your mind? Or is it just regular stuff getting you down?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not really sure." I lied, I know why he's sensing my unrest.

"Aw," he said, getting up from his place and wiggling in next to me. He snaked his arms around my torso, hugging me tightly. I was only able to hug him back with one arm, which I wrapped around his shoulder.

"You're comfy, like your bed." He laughed.

"Thanks?" I chuckled. He didn't let go, just loosened his grip. My heart rate, instead of quickening, slowed. I could feel myself relax against him I'd been tense all night but his gentle touch made me feel much better. Suddenly, I didn't feel so afraid. So afraid of the consequences of falling for him. So afraid of how things might turn out for us. Because, as we are right now, it's just as it needs to be.

He sat up quickly, removing his arms and clearing his throat, "Sorry of that made you uncomfortable. I just... I just like physical affection."

"It's okay, you didn't. Being honest with you, I like having physical affection, too. You're not the only one here feeling extremely touch-starved all the time." I said assuringly and laughed, feeling a little confident, and pulled him back over. He huffed, amused, and lazily slung his arm around my lower back.

He leaned his head onto my shoulder, letting out a deep breath. There's no doubt in my mind that he doesn't feel the same way about me that I do of him. We stayed it even the day we met, we've met before. Whether it have been as children or in another life. The first idea is highly unlikely. I believe Madame Ji-Sol when she talks about connections through souls. He and I definitely have some kind of connection.

I rested my head against his and we fell silent, returning to watching the stars. He dozed off after a while. I didn't have the heart to wake him up so I stayed there until he woke himself up an hour later, jolting up.

"Everything alright?"

"Sorry," he rubbed his eyes, "sometimes I have bad dreams and wake up and forget where I am for a second."

"Oh," I said, "it's okay. Do you wanna get into bed now? I'm pretty tired, myself, and I don't know how nice it would be to sleep here all night."

"Mhm," he hummed, seeming to be still half-asleep. I grabbed his hands and guided him over to my bed. He stumbled around then fell into it. I threw the blanket over him and he turned onto his stomach, falling back asleep. I laughed at his face; his cheek smushed up against the pillow. I brushed his hair out of his face and stared at him. Not in a creepy way, just admiring.

He's so pretty.

I could look at him forever.

"You're so beautiful." I said in barely a whisper, then dropped my hand and fell asleep.

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