Chapter Fourteen

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I'm so tired, but I can't seem to fall asleep. I don't want to miss a moment of this feeling. The feeling of his body so close to mine. His hot breath on my neck as he slept so peacefully.

My fingers sat laced gently in his hair, his head resting against my chest. His arm was hung across my torso. I kept my other arm secured around his back. He cuddled up with me and promptly fell asleep just a few minutes after our conversation. I can tell, in the way he's sleeping right now, that he feels at peace. That he's comfortable. He tends to be tense when he sleeps. But not tonight. He's relaxed.

I still think about what would happen if my parents were to walk into this. To see me cuddled up in bed with one of our male servants. I'm going to be expected to marry a princess from another kingdom before I take the throne. But, I don't see how I could ever do that. I'm in love with a boy, I could never love a girl. Not that I have anything against girls, I just don't fancy them.

I rested my head against his and let out a deep breath. I feel so at ease, like my soul has been waiting for this for a lifetime, and now that it's here, my body is finally happy. At rest, like Taehyung's.

It's very relieving to know that he feels the same way, but also now knows that he has someone out here that loves him, someone who cares for him deeply.

"Go to sleep, Jungkook." I heard him whisper in a soft, sweet voice. Those words sent a shiver down my spine, as if I'd heard them a million times before.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I replied.

"No, I just can hear your heart beat. It didn't sound like you were sleeping. Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nothings wrong. I just want to enjoy this a little longer."

He hummed in response, turning my face towards his and kissing me softly. "Roll over, so you're facing me."

I did as he said, and he pulled me close, burrowing his head into my shirt. I smiled and adjusted my arms around him. Our bodies were now pressed together face to face.

"Sleep now," he said. And as soon as I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.

"Jungkook~" I heard Taehyung's voice ring softly through my ears. I cracked my eyes open and saw him sitting up next to me.  "It's morning, I should be going now."

I frowned, but nodded and sat up, rubbing my eyes. The light was too bright. I just want to go back to sleep for ever.

We both got up and he changed into his old servants outfit. If he's seen wearing my clothes, that would be very bad. I gave him a stack of cloths from the room next door and he left silently. I give him the towels so he can look busy; so nobody will question his business.

I laid back down in bed, sighing heavily. Last night was really nice. I needed that. I miss him already. Taehyung makes me feel like he completes a part of me that's always been broken. He's given me so many answers even about myself that I wasn't able to process before I met him.

But, knowing me, all I can do is sit and overthink. There's no use in thinking right now. It's definitely not the best thing for me at the moment. Because I know it could throw me into a fear-induced breakdown session where I run away into the woods for a day or so and come back looking like I was attacked, digested, and then crapped out by a bear. That's only happened twice before, don't ask.

Oh, what I'd give to go down and be with him right now. We both agreed that we've been spending too much time together out in the open. We know the other servants won't say anything- as far as we know, because they all know me, and know I need friends. They wouldn't suspect anything other than that.

One of our female servants came in a few minutes later to wake me. She told me to get dressed, and then to meet my parents for breakfast in the dining hall.

I know what this probably means. More talk about rising tensions. More talk about preparing me for leadership. It's the same thing every day. They never speak to me about anything else anymore. It's frankly saddening. Every once in a while I'd like to get a "How'd you sleep?" or "How was your day?" I get it, they're busy, but they forget that they have an emotionally unstable son that, in reality, fears everyone and everything despite seeming so stoic on the outside.

That's something Taehyung has brought out in me; my softer side. I've been able to let my guard down lately and it feels so liberating.

I threw on my regular outfit and went downstairs, already running through the future conversation in my head.

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