Chapter Seventeen

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"I love you," Taehyung giggled, hands trailing themselves through my hair. He was laying on top of me, us sprawled out in the thick grass meadow. We snuck out to the lake today. We both needed this day out together. My family left town again, leaving me behind to run things at the castle. They think I'm probably sitting in my room, or wandering around the garden. But in reality, I'm laying in a grass field underneath one of our male servants.

They'd never suspect that.

Honestly, neither would I.

It's definitely safe to say I'm in love. I've never felt this happy before. Taehyung has finally given me a reason. A reason to be happy, a reason to laugh and smile. "I love you too," I said. He moved his body to the side and laid in-between my arm and my side.

I know at first he was hesitant towards his feelings, but he's let go of most of those lately. We're coming up on the four month mark since we confessed. I want to ask him to be mine. I know it's appropriate at this point. We're pretty much soul-partners. I know the future will be rough, but I think we can make it work. We make it work well right now. I just want to get him out of servantry.

He laid his arm around my torso and closed his eyes. I scratched his head, the cool breeze blowing between us. The seasons are finally changing. It'll be winter soon.

"Hey, Tae?" I said softly.

He hummed in response.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

He hummed again, "Mhm."

I chuckled, "Are you tired?"

He hummed again.

"Alright, I guess a nap couldn't hurt." I said and closed my eyes, resting my head against his. "So I take it that's a yes?"

"Yeah, and I mean, what am I going to do? Say no?" He laughed softly.

"Pfft, I know. I was just making sure."

"Mhm, okay I want to take a nap now. Stop moving, I'm comfortable."

I could stay right here forever. There's a lot of instances where I say that, but it's true every time. These feelings he gives me are almost euphoric. Like I said, I've never been this happy. Even the slightest bit of affection he shows me is enough to make me melt.

He and I managed to sleep for about an hour and a half. The warm sun made me not want to move. But, we needed to get moving, so we could get back to the castle.

He held my hand as we walked back. I hate feeling this soft, but I just can't help it. The feeling of his fingers laced with mine made my head feel hot, like the feeling of when we first kissed. He makes me feel dizzy. But I know it's the same for him, he seems to literally melt into my arms whenever I hold him. He just slumps against me, smiling softly as we sit there. He may just be softer than me, I just know he doesn't show it very often. Usually not unless we're alone.

"Are you staying with me tonight?" I asked. Usually, when my parents aren't here, he stays with me all day and all night, but I still like to ask.

"I mean, it's up to you. You know I won't pass it up." He said, shrugging his shoulders.


We chatted sparsely here and there for the rest of the way back. I could tell he was still tired. He still doesn't sleep as much as he should. In comparison, he gets more when he's with me than compared to when he's sleeping in the bunks.

Someday, it'll level out for him. I'll make sure of it.

We snuck up to my room and laid out stuff on my bed.

"You go ahead and wash up," he said. We're both dirty from the walk home. "I'll go after you. I've gotta check on something." Our castle is lucky enough to have a washroom. It's advanced technology that not many people understand. We are able to pump water from the lake to holding vats, and from there they come through a spout in the wall and into the bathing bucket. The water doesn't stay in the bucket, though, it leaves through a hole in the floor.

"Just come with me, it'll save time." I said, and immediately bit my tongue after. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"You want me to bathe with you?" He laughed.

"I, uh-" I said, there's no saving myself now. So I swallowed my pride. We've been getting closer and closer these last four months, and in another four months, it'll have been a year since he first arrived. "Yeah. Come on, it'll be fine. Like at the lake."

"Yeah, but with less undergarments." He chuckled. I dragged him with me back downstairs after we both grabbing a clean set of clothes. We slinked into the bath house and I locked the door behind us. I also boarded up the bottom with a spare piece of wood from outside. I just really don't want anyone coming in. It could be detrimental for both of us.

I turned the gear and water began to flow out of the spicket. I undressed my top half before turning to see that Taehyung had only barely taken off his top shirt. He looked nervous.

"I won't look." I chuckled.

"It's not that- I just... Nobody has ever seen me naked before." He laughed and scratched the back of his head. "My body is weird looking."

"Tae, you seem to be forgetting that I've seen you almost naked. Your body is just a body, nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of."

"That's easy for you to say, your highness."

"I'm literally going to eat you if you call me that one more time." I said, hitting him lightly in the leg with my shirt. "Come on, the water's running. There's nothing better than immersion therapy."

I stripped down the rest of my clothes. I'll admit that I did feel a little awkward. However, I kept my back turned until he joined me on the concrete slab.

"Can I turn back around?" I asked.

"Yeah, just keep your eyes on my face, so I don't fall into a pit of embarrassment." He laughed again and I turned around. He's not as "skeletal" as he claims to be. His weight seems healthy enough, not good enough, but decent. He stood there awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're fine, Taehyung. Don't feel embarrassed." I gave him a little smile, making him look me in the eyes, "But if you do get too uncomfortable, just tell me."

He nodded.

"Alright, come here. Like I said, a body is just a body." I leaned forward a bit and began to snake my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. "Nothing to worry about."

His arms wrapped around my neck. Our bodies were completely pressed together. He let out a deep sigh and rested his head against mine.

"This feels nice." He said, the water slowly streaming down our bodies. It's been warmed all day by the sun.

"See? It's not that bad."

He turned his head to mine and kissed me, where I. returned it with a bit more force. I'll spare you the details of what happened next.

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