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that day, she went home crying and she continued crying in bed.

she could only trust herself now. she hated how mark hurt her, she hated how jeno and jaemin thought different of her.

most of all, she hated how soobin played her feelings over something as filthy as money.

she thought she could trust them.

despite the shit that happened to her, she still loved them the same; nothing less and certainly nothing more.

the next few days, aera stayed home. her parents called their daughter in sick for three days.

those three days turned into a week and soon, into a month.

the brunette girl continued to ignore the missed calls and messages that spammed her phone.

her room was the only safe place she knew now.


"jaemin, we have to go see her," jeno stressed as he anxiously tapped his foot.

"we NEED to see her dumbass. it's been a whole fucking month, i need my other bestfriend," jaemin pouted as smacked jeno's head.

"i know nana, i'm tired of your face too," jeno sighed and rested his head on his desk.

it was literature class and aera's absence made the atmosphere of the classroom thin.

"shouldn't we talk to soobin?" jaemin asked as he nudged his head towards the purple-haired boy who looked emotionless.

jeno sighed and nodded in response before making his way towards soobin.

"hey soobin," jeno sat in front of soobin, whose expression remained the same.

"what do you want?" soobin bluntly asked once his gaze diverted towards jeno and jaemin.

"have you spoken to aera?" jeno asked with eagerness but soobin only shook his head.

"she blocked me every where. even if i visited her, i'm pretty sure i'm the last person she wants to see," soobin spoke sadly and felt his heart strain.

"let's visit her," jaemin suggested as the two boys turned their heads to face him.

"we can't show up unannounced jaemin," soobin said but jaemin only smiled.

"that's why i texted her and told her we're coming!" jaemin exclaimed as he held up his phone proudly.

"when the fuck did you even text her?" jeno panicked as he tried snatching away jaemin's phone.

"i don't know, probably like ten seconds ago i guess," jaemin beamed only for the two boys to groan in embarrassment.

"why did you even-"

"because lover boy, i'm sick of seeing jeno's face every day and i miss it when aera's here,"  jaemin grumbled as jeno shot him a glare.

"lover boy? i don't love aera-"

"just because you acted like a dick doesn't mean that you don't love her. you obviously caught feelings for her, soobin" jaemin cut off the dimpled boy while sassily pointing his finger at soobin.

soobin sighed in defeat, knowing how right jaemin was.

SOOBIN | 10 Things I Hate About You ✓Where stories live. Discover now