If you really loved it, no matter what gets in your way, you'll fight it for your love.
TITLE: 5/5 Music is a nice way to describe Yoongi's love.
COVER: 5/5 Very eye-catching, especially the beautiful Yoongles on the cover.
DESCRIPTION: 9/10 It's nice, but I would re-word it.
PLOT: 20/30 I really like the story because I love Yoongi. The chapters are short and sweet as he is. I think you could expand on the basic idea of each chapter making it more story-like instead of like a blurp in a diary of what happened that day. It reads like a summary of a story. Honestly, the first five chapters could be one chapter. Your book is deceptively long by making the chapters too small. But the feels tho, you made me sad for my Yoongles.
DIALOGUE: 8/10 The dialogue is good and Yoongi's inner thoughts are expressed to tug at your heart.
DICTION: 8/10 The story is told in a simple language that is easy to understand.
GRAMMAR: 7/10 You have some tense problems and a couple of spelling errors. Here is an example that you can fix. Go back and check your work and I'm sure you will catch most of them. You can also try using Grammarly. This app will make your writing better.
I went up the bus as I put in the money and took a sit. I took out my notes, which was messy. I tried conserving as much space as possible in my notebook.
I boarded the bus, paid, and took a seat. I took out my notes, which were messy while I tried to conserve as much space as possible in my notebook.
AESTHETIC: 7/10 I like how you did the chapter titles but you are missing one very important element, pictures. There are so many aesthetic pictures of Yoongi and pictures from his pre-debut that you could use. It's a golden opportunity wasted.
The story is not that original but it is very appealing. The way you told the story is very sweet and poignant. I enjoyed your book very much.