TITLE: 4/5 I like the Soulmates title. Make sure it is included in the cover.
I like the new title even more.
COVER: 4/5 The cover is nice and goes with your page.
The new cover shows their relationships better. I love it.
DESCRIPTION: 7/10 Although it is a clear description of what the book is, I would include a snippet to entice readers to your writing style.
I'm happy you took my advice and added those quotes.
PLOT: 30/30 The stories are told with heart and just the right amount of angst. It is just magical how you can show so much in such a short story.
DIALOGUE: 10/10 The dialogue is deceivingly simple and sublime. I say this because I know how hard it is to write a natural-sounding dialogue that tells the story.
DICTION: 10/10 You have a good vocabulary and I enjoyed how you phrased things.
GRAMMAR: 10/10 No problems here.
AESTHETIC: 10/10 I liked that you included pictures at the top of the chapters. I applaud your restraint at only using one picture!
Your stories have a universal appeal because they are written from the heart. You show the character's vulnerability which adds to the lovely feels. Remember you don't need to exaggerate the reason the person feels lost or unloved, whatever the problem is, you have enough talent to make their personal story feel poignant without overdoing it. I really enjoyed reading these little jewels!
95/100 - Great job!!!
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