The Crown That Stands Between Us || Jjk

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A story by Gukmajins  5.2K Reads, 371 Votes, 26 Parts

"It hurts, okay?!" his voice was a bit louder this time, his voice cracking near the end. "It fucking hurts." His chin shook as he tried to hold in the cries that were desperate to come out. 

"We're not best friends and we never were." 

"We were always more than just best friends. I always saw you as my soulmate, someone I couldn't envision life without. Someone who made my days brighter with the smallest of actions. So just stop calling us that. Stop pretending like nothing happened." 

"I still love you, and at this point I don't know if it's possible to stop. I don't want to stop."

 His doe eyes glanced your way as a tear slipped off his chin, landing on his white suit. 

"Even if loving you hurts so much right now, it's still worth enduring the pain." 

 - Jk-

💫 Note: Takes place in modern day

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

This is a nice modern-day coming-of-age story about a prince and the girl he likes.  The story is nice and the chapters are not too long.  Unfortunately, Y/N shows up instead of an original character so that took some of the enjoyment out of the story for me.  I also didn't like the second person pov.  It is cringe.  

The cover is perfectly done.  Jungkook looks like the charming prince that he is.  The title is self-explanatory and goes well with the story.

The book is well written and entertaining and comes with the expected angst of a prince liking a commoner.  Not too original but you did a good job.  Once he confesses his feelings the story kind of loses steam so I'm curious to see what happens next.  It's such a sweet love story I would hate for them not to end up together.

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