🤍 Tips 🤍

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1. Write because you enjoy it.  Write something you would enjoy reading.  Trust me.  Other's will also enjoy it.  You are not that weird.

2. Don't use Y/N as your main character's name. It is cringe a.f., especially when Y/N does things you would never do, looks nothing like you, and doesn't act as you do.  Why does a character have to have my name?  It does not make it more enjoyable. Is your book's intended audience for little kids?  There are so many reasons why I am not a fan but I won't go into it here.

3. Don't use 2nd person POV. All those "you's" will make your reader want to throw your book across the room, metaphorically speaking.  Try first person pov.  It really gets your reader to see everything as if it is happening to them.  Just make sure you vary your sentence structure.  Don't begin every sentence with I did this, I did that.

4.  Pick a tense and stick with it.  

5. Write an original meeting/interaction that will make your story memorable and enjoyable. It doesn't have to be that you paraglided into your love interest's arms when you crossed the border into South Korea. Realistic meetings can be cute also.

6. Don't use overused wish-fulfillment that we've seen in so many fics such as being saved from a bully, forced marriage, kidnapping, or having to move in with BTS. That stuff only happens in fanfics.

7.  Characters are the most important part of your story.  Make them memorable and interesting by showing their personality traits.  Don't say she was always supportive, show her being supportive by what she says and does.

8. Don't make your character a Mary Sue with the perfect messy bun. How can a messy bun be perfect? You know what I mean. Perfect characters are boring and don't exist in real life.

9. Super depressed, pathetic characters whose family got hit by a train and they are forced to be a sex slave, yet they are beautiful and have perfect hair while doing it is also a no-no.

Just because some stories with all these things have 100M views does not make them good. There are many young readers on Wattpad that come here to read wish-fulfillment stories, and in 2020, that means you were forced to marry Jungkook and have sex with all the BTS members. They will read it to find out what happens even if the story is terrible.

Please don't be offended if you have done some of these things. This is not meant as a personal criticism. You are reading my suggestions on what I think makes a story better. You came here for advice from a stranger that's just trying to help you be a better writer. You can always edit your story and make it better.

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On another note, do you ever wonder if you can start a sentence with a conjunction?  Well, the grammar police says yes. 


It's okay to shove any of those right up to the front of a sentence. It's okay now and it has been okay as long as humans have been writing. Ever read the Bible?

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Plus, —whom I trust implicitly—says basically every modern grammar book and style guide agrees that it's fine. For example, the * says this about it:

There is a widespread belief—one with no historical or grammatical foundation—that it is an error to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as and, but or so. In fact, a substantial percentage (often as many as 10 percent) of the sentences in first-rate writing begin with conjunctions. It has been so for centuries, and even the most conservative grammarians have followed this practice.

*From lifehacker . com/you-can-start-a-sentence-with-and-but-or-or-1832984839 

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