Blood Trial

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2.4K Reads, 213 Votes, 23 Parts

A story in which friendship is just a prized possession and love is filled with deceitful lies and betrayal.

For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.

For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first

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Blood Trial by abangtan01

TITLE: 4/5 Sounds mysterious and enticing.

COVER: 5/5 The cover has a dark-mysterious vibe.  The font and size are attractive and will capture readers' attention.

DESCRIPTION: 8/10 The description is short but attention-grabbing.  I prefer the one in the forward better. A forward is written to recommend a book.  It is done by someone other than the author.  You should change it to "Introduction."  The prologue is excellent

PLOT: 20/30 I like the quotes you put in the story. They really go with the feel of the plot.  

To be honest, I don't understand how the title Blood Trial goes with the story.  Does it mean V was tested by blood?  The flashbacks are kind of confusing too.  I don't understand why V and Yujin would be so rude to each other when nothing has happened between them.  Maybe it is a cultural thing.   I don't understand why V is so angry all the time or why he becomes violent.  I know you are trying to make it a mystery but you have to give the reader a reasonable explanation.

DIALOGUE: 8/10 The dialogue is not bad and it goes with the characters. Make sure you make it clear who is talking.

DICTION: 7/10 The book needs some editing because you sometimes skip words in a sentence.  If you want me to point them out let me know.  

Also, you sometimes use some phrases that sound strange to me. They just need to be reworded such as:  That's what friends called right?  I think sb: That's what friends are for. Right?

Don't take this critique badly, you have a descriptive voice that is unique and colorful. Unfortunately, I can tell that English is not your main language.  You need an editor to check your story and fix the tense problems.

GRAMMAR: 6/10 Many times the tenses of verbs don't match in a sentence and sometimes the verb is completely missing. This is the biggest problem.

AESTHETIC: 10/10 The aesthetic of this book is a beauty to behold.  It is a great example for other writers, including myself, on how to make a book more appealing.  Even the extra spacing between paragraphs looks appealing because it is consistent.


I love mystery stories so I enjoyed trying to figure this one out.  The last chapter was the most interesting one when things start to get good.  You introduce the Ice character adding to the mystery.  I hope the climax of the story is worth the wait.  Good luck with your story.


PS:  You've put hard work into your editing and it shows

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PS:  You've put hard work into your editing and it shows.  Great job!

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