It was the summer of my senior year when I first saw her. Maybe it was her carefree smile, maybe it was her messy windblown hair, maybe it was her pretty face, maybe it was her brown orbs twinkling and full of life, maybe it was her beautiful voice; maybe it was just simply her- but that eventful day, I knew, deep down; that my entire world had flipped. It was simply soul recognition. It was love at first sight.
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Put Your Head On My Shoulder by btsobsessedmills 2.6K Reads, 890 Votes, 13 Parts
Cover: 5 The cover with Yoongi's sweet face is beautiful.
Title: 5 I like the title.
Description: 10 The description is very enticing.
Plot: 20 First of all, the way you included real details from Yoongi's life makes your story feel more intimate and realistic. I love how even when they meet after several years, they don't proclaim their love in a manner that doesn't go with their shy personalities. Just him knowing that she remembers him is enough of a confession for now.
Writing Style: 10 Your writing style is delightful. Everything is so eloquently described without going overboard. I can imagine his shy sweetness being just how you described it. Even though a lot doesn't happen, I was lost in the magic of your storytelling.
Diction: 10 Your word choice is very good.
Dialogue: 10 I love the dialogue.
Grammar: 10 I didn't see any mistakes.
Aesthetic: 10 I love the well-chosen pictures.
Originality and Appeal: 10 I was charmed by your story. It actually made me drop a tear. I loved how you showed Yoongi's real-life personality instead of making him a mean bad-ass how he is depicted in many stories here. Sure, he can be very straight forward at times, but mostly he is a shy pensive boy. I also enjoyed that you told it from his pov only leaving the reader to wonder if she thought the notes were from him or not or if she liked him or not. I also liked that you left her sadness kind of a mystery. We know that her parents are divorced but we don't know her story just like Yoongi doesn't know. Great job!
I can't wait to read your other stories.
I find it hard to accept that so many skilled writers on Wattpad have so few reads.
Total: 100 😻😻😻😻😻