by V4Vincet 886 views, 282 votes, 9 chapters as of review 1/4/21
"What if someday you find another me? An evil me?" she asked."I will still love you, I promise!"- Kim Taehyung.
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °To start the cover is bold and beautiful. I saw another version in your book that was equally good. In fact, all the graphics are well done.
The title alone made me want to read your book!
As far as the plot goes, this is such an imaginative book full of rich and interesting characters and I love the story so far. You have a wonderful and vivid imagination. I loved your depiction of heaven and the demon world and the reasons why these beings have come to earth. Taehyungie is so cute in this. I just love it!
I also enjoyed that the story progresses rapidly.
Your writing style is simple, engaging, very refreshing, and delightfully described. You don't just describe the scene, you also take us into their minds and show their feelings. You gave good diction and know that an impressive string of adjectives does not make for good writing. Good writing comes by engaging the reader in the story and making them vested in the characters. You do that very well.
I would definitely recommend your story. As Jimin would say, "you nice, keep going."