Chapter 1

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Most of the book is going to be in Izuku's POV. Ok, bai...

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku POV

I was walking home from training and I decided to drop by my boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki's, apartment since I bought his favorite soba dish. Yeah, I know right? Me, basically a nobody dating Endewhore's son. Even though I don't like Endeavor, I can't ignore the fact that he's still the number 2 hero. Anyways, as I neared the front door, I heard a noise coming from inside. I waved it off as nothing, so I went ahead and unlocked the door with the spare key he gave me. 

"Hey, Todoroki. I-" I looked up, and dropped the bag "T-Todoroki?" There, in the middle of the living room, sat Todoroki, and Kacchan making out. When the heard me, they broke the kiss.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki looked at me.

"Todoroki?! How could you do this?" 

"I never loved you, Midoriya." I stifled a sob, tears were already streaming down my face. "Did you really think that someone like me could ever like someone like you?"


"We're over." I couldn't take it anymore and I ran out the door, all the way to my mom's house.

"Hey- Izuku? W-What happened?"

I sniffled, "T-Todoroki ch-cheated on m-me."

"Oh my god," My mom hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry Izuku." She led me into the house and to the couch. 

"Shhh...let it all out." She hugged me once more and I burst into tears again. We sat there for hours, and I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up it was already morning.


"Yes? Izuku?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"What time is it?" I slowly sat up, squinting my eyes from the bright sunlight.

"It's around 10:32."

"10:32?!" I frantically jumped off the couch. "I have school!"


"What?" I bounded up the stairs. Oh crap, I'm already so late.

"You don't have school today." My mom chuckled.

"Wait, what?" I was confused. "Isn't today a Thursday?"

"Yes, but you see..." My mom hesitated.


"IhavetomovetoAmericaformynewjobandIwaswonderingifyouwantedtocomewithme." She rushed.

"..." I blankly stared at her. "Ok, I had no idea what you just said."

She sighed, "I said, I have to move to America for my new job and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." She looked at me, hopeful, that I would say yes. 

I mean, I could use this as a chance to clear my head and sort out my feelings. I don't think I can look at either Todoroki or Kacchan right now. But, I don't want to leave Japan...

"How long will we be gone?"

"You see, we're moving there..." My mom looked down again.

"Wait?! Moving?!!" My eyes went wide. "I'm never coming back to Japan?! What about all my friends? What about UA?"

"You can come to visit." I sighed in relief.


"I think that the earliest you can is in a year or two."

"A year?!" I'm not going to see my friends for a year. But what if I don't want to go. Then, I'll still see my friends but that also means that I'll see Todoroki and Kacchan.

"Please consider, Izuku." My mom pleaded.

"I-...fine..." I agreed. This might just be what I needed. The only question is how others are going to handle the news.

"Can I still go to school today to tell them?"

"Yes, you may. But we're leaving tomorrow, okay?"

"Tomorrow?!" I sighed again. "...fine, tomorrow." My mom beamed and clapped her hands. 

"Now, you don't want to be even later than you already are. So, chop-chop. Oh! And, you can come directly back here after telling your class, we still need to finish packing." She pushed me towards the stairs.

"Okay..." I went up the stairs and got dressed. I then checked the time, 11:18. Oh crap, I'm so late! 

"Bye, mom!" I rushed out the door, not even bothering eating breakfast, I would be back here soon enough anyway. As I arrived outside of UA, my stomach started doing flips. What if they don't take it well? What if this isn't the right choice? I shook those thoughts from my head, No, this is the right choice, and they will take it well. They'll understand, they're your friends. 

I walked through the gates and found Class 1-A. I was about to knock when a thought occurred to me. Wait, this also means I'm going to see Kacchan and Todoroki! I'm not ready for this! I looked at the huge door in front of me. Well, it's too late to turn back now. I took a deep breath and knocked. The door slid open and I walked in.

"Midoriya, why are you so late? And why aren't you in uniform?" Mr. Aizawa asked. Okay, calm down. They'll understand. They're my friends. I looked at the class, purposely avoiding Todoroki and Kacchan. I took another deep breath to try and calm my curdling stomach.

"Umm...I-I'm moving..." My statement was met with silence. Everyone looked shocked. Then the room exploded with shouts.


"You're moving?"



"Silence!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, effectively shutting everyone up. "Midoriya, please explain."

"Umm...well...My mom got a new job and it's in America, and she wanted me to come with her." Again shouts of protest rang through the classroom.

"Shut up!" Mr. Aizawa looked like he was getting fed up, but when he turned back to me, his expression softened. "Are you going to be able to visit?" The whole class, well, most of it, leaned forward in anticipation. 

"Yes." You could hear sighs of relief from almost everyone in the room. "But, I'm can't visit for a year or two."

"A year??" Everyone shouted.

"Yeah...a year. But, don't worry, We'll keep in touch, right?"

"Yeah!" The class agreed. 

"I need to go help my mom pack, so I guess this is g-goodbye for now." My voice cracked and I felt my eyes watering. 

"Wait!" Uraraka shouted. Everyone turned to her.

"Can we give you goodbye gifts?"

"Umm...sure?" This is so much harder than I thought. In the end, I got quite a few plushies, even a cat one from Mr. Aizawa, a Pikachu hoodie, a Crimson Riot hoodie, an Ingenium hoodie, and a pink heart charm.

"Thanks, guys...goodbye, I guess..." I let a few tears slip and with the final goodbye, I left the room full of my friends that I wouldn't see for a year. 


What do you think? I don't really know where I was going with the whole goodbye thing, but give me recommendations of things you want to see in this book. See ya later! ✌️

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