Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Class 3-A was excited, well most of them *cough* Bakugou *cough*. They were getting new classmates. Mr. Aizawa said that they were transfers from the number two hero school. It brought back memories of Midoryia, they stopped talking after a few months of him moving to America. Bakugou and Todoroki were still dating but Todoroki did apologize for cheating on Midoryia. And surprisingly, Bakugou did as well, even if he wasn't the one who cheated. After a few months of shunning them, the rest of the class finally accepted their apologies, deciding that it's what Midodryia probably would've wanted.

Mineta was finally kicked out of the hero course, no surprise there, and Shinsou took his place and he's dating Kaminari. Uraraka's dating Tsu, Jiro's dating Momo, and the rest of them are still single.

"Are you guys excited to meet the new kids?" Uraraka asked. It was during class, Mr. Aizawa had told them to do whatever they wanted as long as they didn't wake him up.

"Yeah, kero." Tsu agreed. 

"Tch, whatever, extras. They probably not even that fucking good. I'm going to be the number one hero, no fucking extras will get in my way." Same old Bakugou.

"Please refrain from using such language," Iida tried, but they all knew it was a fruitless attempt. "Remove your legs from the desk as well, it's disrespectful towards-"

"SHUT IT FOUR EYES!" Bakugou's palms sparked, causing everyone to slowly inch away.

"Do we know their names?" Todoroki asked in his usual monotone voice.

"No," Uraraka admitted.

"Ooh! What if they're cute!" Mina fangirled.

"Of course that's what you would be thinking about." Kaminari laughed.

"When are we going to see them?" Tokoyami looked at the clock.

"I think," Uraraka furred her brows. "I think after class today!" 

"Let's just wait." Ojiro offered.

"That's what we're doing!" Mina said.

"I mean," Ojiro pinched his nose. "The more you think about it, the longer it seems like it's going to take."

"Woah," Kirishima wow-ed. "That's super manly, bro."


"Hey! My hair isn't that different from yours." Kirishima pouted.

"Guys," Momo tried to calm everyone down. "Let's just focus and wait until class is over to worry about this."


"Bro, calm down." Kirishima tried.

"DON'T FUCKING TELL WHAT DO YOU YOU EXTRAS!!!" The class just rolled their eyes, used to Bakugou's outbursts.

Time Skip To After Class Outside Of The Dorms

"Okay," Momo gathered Class 3-A in front of the dorm's entrance. "No one does anything that might freak them out. We want them to feel at home. I'm-"

"Fucking shut your mouth, Ponytail, and get out of my fucking way," Bakugou growled and pushed Momo out of the way despite everyone's protests. Momo sighed.

"Or I guess we could just barge-" She was cut off yet again.

"What the fuck...." Everyone except Bakugou was still outside, so they had no idea what he was talking about.

"What?" Kaminari pushed through the doors, followed by everyone else. 

"Oh god..." Mina gasped. The living room was a mess. There were claw marks all over the couches, there were a few splatters of blood, and two cups of juice on the kitchen counter.

"Someone get Mr. Aizawa!" Ojiro yelled, being the first person to regain their bearings.

"I shall do it as class representative." Iida ran out of the dorms.

"W-What happened?!" Sero stumbled.

"What does it fucking look like, Soy Sauce?" Bakugou stepped closer to the couches. "It looks like they were attacked." Gasps rang through the class again.

"By villains?!" Uraraka freaked.

"Does it look like I fucking know, Round Face?!"

"Calm down, babe." Todoroki calmly put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. "We shouldn't jump to conclusions."

"Well then what are we supposed to think?" Tokoyami tried to ask calmly.

"It could've been a quirk malfunction and they went to the nurse." Todoroki simply stated.

"But how do we know?!" Uraraka was still panicking.

"Hey, Frog Face, go calm down your girlfriend!" Tsu quietly scoffed at the nickname but did what he said and tried to comfort Uraraka.

"What happened here?" The class turned and saw Iida was back with Mr. Aizawa, stony face as ever.

"We don't know," Ojiro stated, normally one of the calmer ones.

"What if it was a villain attack?!" Hagakure shrieked.

"I'm sure there's another explanation," Mr. Aizawa reassured his, mostly, panicking students.

"We came to a possible conclusion that there was a quirk malfunction and they had to seek medical attention," Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice.

"That's not possible." Mr. Aizawa kept on his cool facade, but on the inside, he was truly worried about his previous student and his friends.

"Why?" Kaminari asked.

"They would've told one of the staff and I would've been informed."

"Who even are the new students?" Jiro raised her eyebrow, already annoyed at her panicking classmates.

"They are transfers from the second-best hero school in the world, which means they are from America."

"America?" Kaminari looked excited. He looked like he just forgot that the said students could've been kidnapped by villains. "I've always wanted to go to America!"

"Kaminari," Kirishima looked at him weirdly. "Did you just forget that the new students might be held captive by villains, right at this very moment?"

"Oh, uh...maybe?" Kaminari sheepishly grinned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Only you could be that fucking dumb, Dunce Face."

"Hey!" He protested, and the class started to descend into nervous chatter.

"Quiet!" Mr. Aizawa boomed, effectively shutting up everyone. "We should wait for another few hours. If they aren't back by then, we can send out search parties and finally declare them missing."

"But, sensei," Uraraka spoke up. "Why not now?"

"Because these people can handle themselves."

"Why? They're just a bunch of extras!" Bakugou spat. At least he's not angry anymore... Most of the class thought.

"Yeah," Tokoyami stepped forward. "Why are you so trusting in these people that you've just met a few hours ago?"

"Well," Mr. Aizawa didn't know how to answer. Should I tell them about Midoryia? No. They'll just freak out more. "They all have strong quirks and have a very good grasp on them, they can defend themselves. They also were all recommended by more than two heroes each to attend this school while they were here." He added when his class didn't look convinced.

"Two heroes?! EACH?!" The class screamed, even Todoroki's eyes widened a fraction.

"How, kero, strong are they?!" Tsu asked.

"Well, very. You shall see the full extent of their quirks during training tomorrow." With that, Mr. Aizawa walked out of the dorms leaving a group of gaping students.

Time Skip To Three Hours Later.

"They still aren't back!" Class 3-A were all spread out throughout the living room and kitchen. A few pacing while looking back and forth from the clock to the door.

"We just have to wai-" The door slammed open, cutting Tokoyami off mid-sentence.


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