Chapter 8

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Third Person POV


"K-Kacchan..." The rest of Class 3-A's heads whipped to the doors so fast, Izuku and his friends were surprised that they didn't get whiplash.

"Deku?!" Uraraka gasped.

"U-U-Urarak-ka..." Izuku panted, inwardly cringing at the use of his former nickname.

"Deku, is that really you?" Iida asked, everyone in the class hoping it was true.

"Y-Yeah..." Everyone, minus Izuku and his friends, sharply inhaled. They didn't believe it. After two years, he just shows up at their dorms.

"Who are your...friends?" Kaminari eyes them suspiciously. Izuku and his friends realized that they didn't yet notice their injuries so they decided to play it up a bit.

"Ugh..." Haley groaned and clutched her side, and David decided to fake limp to her side.

"Hey, okay...?" He strained his voice on purpose.

"I-I'm f-f-fine..." She swayed on her feet and semi-collapsed onto David's shoulders. This time, David grunted.

"O-Ow..." The class snapped out of their shock.

"Oh my god!" Mina fussed, "Are you guys okay?!" Everyone rushed forward towards each person, finally noticing their injuries.

"Deku?!" Momo rushed over to his side, "What happened to you guys?!"

"V-Villains." Izuku stuttered. God damn it, He thought as Momo and his former classmates guided them over to the couches which had been replaced. I hate this... They still call me by my old nickname, I mean, I guess I can't blame them... Izuku noticed Todoroki and Bakugou hanging towards the back, looks of shame, and guilt swamped their faces. I...I feel bad... No! He cheated on you! Don't feel bad for him.

"Villains?!" Kaminari freaked.

"Y-Yeah..." Thomas panted.

"Somebody get Mr. Aizawa!" Shoji yelled.

"Right, I'll get him." Todoroki volunteered. Izuku could see his American friends narrow their eyes at him and Bakugou.

"What happened?" Momo made bandages and started bandaging the group on the couch.

"Well-" Izuku got cut off when the dorm door opened to reveal Mr. Aizawa and Principle Nezu.

"Midoriya!" Principle Nezu exclaimed though he was calmer than everyone else. Mr. Aizawa just stood there, not saying a word.

"What happened, problem child?" He finally spoke.

"Well,-" Izuku got cut off again, but this time by David.

"We got attacked by villains!" Izuku glared at him, subtly. David shrank back in his seat. I just wanted to speed things up. He thought.

"Villains?" Nezu asked.

"Y-Yeah." Izuku reminded himself to stutter more, Good, it doesn't look like anyone picked up on it yet. The friends agreed to stop their act after half an hour, and it had already been ten minutes.

"Tell me exactly," Mr. Aizawa emphasized the word. "what happened."

"W-Well," Izuku began. "We left the dorms-"

"Wait..." Tokoyami interrupted. "Why were you already at the dorms?"

"Oh! We're the new transfer students!" Haley beamed as much as she could without giving anything away.

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