Chapter 16

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Grammarly isn't working, so sorry for any mistakes.


Third Person POV

A Few Days Later

"Are you guys ready?" Izuku asked. Today was the day that they'd rescue their friends. 

"Yeah," Shoji said monotonously, not even blinking. 

"Alright, problem-" The class froze as the familiar sound of Mr. Aizawa's voice drifted into the common room. They slowly turned, not wanting to face their teacher.

"Ummm... hi?" Izuku scratched the back of his neck. Mr. Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I should've known." He muttered. "Well, do you need any help?" They were taken aback. 

"You want to help?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, you might be problem children. But you're my problem children." I knew he cared. The class smiled warmly at their teacher who many had started to see as a trusted guardian.

"Then yeah," Izuku beamed. "That would be great."

"Do you guys need any other pro heroes?" He asked.

"I mean," Izuku looked around the room. All eyes were on him. Why is it always me? He silently complained. "If you think it would be better with the situation, then sure. In my opinion, I think we should. There's strength in numbers, and we think that Carlos isn't working alone." Mr. Aizawa raised my eyebrow at the mention of Carlos's name

"Who's Carlos?" The UA students, again, turned to the exchange students who all suddenly found the carpet very interesting.

"W-We might tell you later..." Thomas then cleared his throat. "We're probably going to tell you later. But, as you can tell, it's sort of..."

David picked up Thomas's train of thought when he couldn't continue. "It's just really personal." The others nodded, respecting their privacy. For the time being. Later, if they got- no, when they got Todoroki and Haley back, they would ask them.

"And who would this Carlos be working with?" Mr. Aizawa asked while taking out a phone, probably to call some other heroes.

"We think it's the LOV," David said. Mr. Aizawa faltered a bit before continuing to type something into his phone.

"Alright," He put away his phone. "They should be here in a few minutes. In the meanwhile, tell me about your plan."

"Okay," Izuku started explaining. "So we tossed a tracker into the portal that took Todoroki," People, even Jake, Thomas, and David, glanced at Bakugou who ignored everyone. The Americans had sort of warmed up to the quieter version of Bakugou, but still didn't particularly trust him after hearing about the reason for Izuku's breakup being him. 

"It pinged at an abandoned warehouse." Kaminari and Kirishima just snorted. (a/n: I just realized that I literally don't mention Kirishima like, at all.) Everyone just dismissed of them. "We pulled up images of the warehouse before it was abandoned. We eventually found an old blueprint of it online and cross referenced it with the footage we got from cameras we put on few mice and microphones, thanks to Koda and Momo. It shows that the main area that you walk into is where they stored everything. In the back, there are offices and off to the left side, there are a bunch of large empty rooms, for what? I don't know. But, we think that that's where they are keeping them."

Izuku continued, "There are three entrances and/or exits. On in the back, one in the front, and one off the right side. The one in the front is the largest so it would be better for a frontal assult, but that might be what they're expecting. The other two doors are smaller and the back one leads to a gap between the line of offices, so if we went in there, we would most likely be spotted. The one off the right side, however, just goes into the main storage area."

"There are the most cameras at the front, but there are a few around the entire building. Kaminari will short them out for a few seconds while the next part of the plan is set into motion."

"So, I was thinking that Uraraka, as well as Shinsou, could go through the back. Shinsou can use a voice changer to trick and control one of the people there since he was newly added into the Class, they won't suspect someone to pose as someone else. Then, he can use them to point him and whoever else he is with to the direction of Todoroki and Haley as well as where the guards are. Assuming that they have any, which I'm pretty sure they do. They will then radio where they are to us, who will be waiting outside. They will then go to the control room and knock out the person or people who are looking at the security cameras. They will then put the footage on loop, so they won't see anything. But, they will leave the front door untampered so they will see the people we want them to see, coming. After that, if they can, however, they will get anymore infromation from the person about Carlos, the enemy, their goals, etc." Mr. Aizawa nodded.

"After we learn where they are being kept, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Shoji, Kirishima, and Hagakure will sneak in from the side door. Those five will go because Tokoyami has been training with Dark Shadow, he can hide in the dark really well. He will bring Kaminari, Shoji, and Kirishima with him. Hagakure for obvious reasons, she even agreed, so we didn't force her to. (a/n: If you havn't figured it out yet, she's going to be naked.)" The gloves floating in midair formed a thumbs up.

"They will scope out the area for any tripwires, other guards, stuff like that and report back to us via earpieces since they're quieter, we've already had Momo make those for us." Izuku turned his head to the side and moved his hair so Mr. Aizawa could clearly see the grey earpiece lodged in his right ear. 

"Once they do that, Kaminari will short out the electrical traps, if there are any, while Hagakure will quickly knock out the guards when Kirishima distracts them. Shoji will use his quirk to determine if there are any other secret exits and relay the infromation to us. If there are other exits, Ojiro and Sato will go guard them. Once they are safely tucked away, they will stay there and look out for any other rouge guards or people who come looking around for the missing people."

"The pro heroes will go in through the front door along with Thomas, Daisy, David, Jake, and I since Carlos and the LOV will be expect us to come, too. While we do that, the rest of the class, minus Iida and Jirou. Those two will stay outside, most likely with another pro hero, as look out for any ambushes, stuff like that. If there is any trouble, Iida can run back to UA and inform other heroes and teachers who will also come. Jirou, because she can use her quirk to sense vibrations in the ground. It would work because this warehouse is in a descolate location." He added when he saw Mr. Aizawa's brows fur. 

"Mr. Aizawa, if we do start fighting, you need to erase Carlos's quirk immediately while I knock him out. His quirk is truly powerful and can make us lose the fight." Mr. Aizawa nodded. "Jake's going to explain what his quirk is later. After you get him down, you are going to have to go after Kurogiri because that's how w-" Izuku cut himself off. "Because Kurogiri is their means of escape." 

"Once that's all done, while we're talking, the rest of the class, which is Mina, Aoyama, Tsu, Koda, and Bakugou plus Kaminari, will all go to where the two are being held. Sero will take Kaminari's place with Tokoyami, Shoji, Kirishima, and Hagakure. Koda will use an insect of his choice to get inside the room through the vents to look at what or who is in the room, and just basically get a layout. This includes traps and alarms. Meanwhile, Mina will melt the lock or anything that's locking them in and the others will guard her. Once the door is open and if Koda informs them that there are any electric traps, Kaminari will short them out, this should still be within his limit, but if it isn't, then Tsu will take him outside."

"Mina will melt whatever is holding them back and then they will all leave through the back door since we will most likely be fighting by now. Once they are outside, RG will heal them of any possible injuries. Then, Uraraka will make them float, so they will be easier to carry, and Iida will run back to UA. The rest will stay with the others outside, but ready to spring into action if the LOV and Carlos overpower us." Izuku finished.

"That sounds like a good plan." Mr. Aizawa commented. "But, what if something goes wrong?" Izuku's face turned grim.

"We improvise."


God, that was a long ass plan. Tell me if it's good and if I should make any changes. 

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