Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

Everyone was moved from Carlos's remembrance of what happened to him.

"I can't imagine it..." Izuku quietly wept. They were back in the living areas of the dorms after the interrogation with Carlos. Everyone sat silently. No one was in the mood for talking. 

"He's going to be back," Haley reassured him. "Remember when he said that he was trying again? He's going to break free of their grip and come back to us."

"Yeah," Even Todoroki tried comforting the six. "He has hope now, he can do it. Considering that he was in need of a new injection soon, he should be back in a matter of days."

Izuku smiled a watery smile. "Thanks, guys."

"No problem, Izu." The class had embraced the fact that Izuku was a new person and, true, they were sad that their old Deku was gone, but he would've changed eventually. They just learned to love and accept the new him. He was still Izuku Midoryia.

"Let's go to bed," Jake said. "Today was even more exhausting. Especially for you." He looked at Izuku who just laughed a bit.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." He waved bye and walked to the elevator. The class all said bye to him and watched the doors close, removing Izuku from their field of vision. 

"I guess we'll visit Carlos again tomorrow," David said, standing up. "But until then, let's get some sleep."

Time Skip

"Oh, guys." Izuku stopped the class before they left the next day for Carlos's holding cell, I guess you could call it.

"Huh?" Momo quirked a brow.

"The day in the warehouse, there were a bunch of villains behind the people that went in to rescue Todoroki and Haley. What was that about?"

"Oh, kero," Tsu rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "That."


"Bakugou?!" Haley and Todoroki's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Shh!" Bakugou put a finger to his lips. "Be quiet. Mina."

"On it." Mina stepped forward and started to melt the chains.

"Is it just you guys?" Haley asked with an underlying tone of sadness that if it was true, her own teammates didn't come to get her.

"Don't worry, dame." Aoyama struck a pose. "We shall rescue you, mon amour."

"Is he always like this?" Haley side whispered to Todoroki.

"Sadly," He eyed Aoyama who was now staring into space and smiling. "Yes..." Haley grimaced.

"Wow, oh look at that." She rubbed her wrists and ankles. She stood up and stretched her back, followed by Todoroki. Their bones popped from the uncomfortable position that they were in for so long.

"Now what?" Todoroki asked.

"We're supposed to get you guys out. Everyone else has different jobs. We have to go before they notice we're here." Mina explained.

"Oh, okay." Haley was secretly glad that her friends did actually come for her, not just Carlos.

"Let's go." Bakugou motioned for them to follow quietly.

"Is that..." Tsu nodded solemnly. They were passing the main room. Sounds of grunting, blasts, and cries of pain could be heard even through the wall.

"Are they going to be okay?" Haley voiced her concerns, while the others preferred to keep their worries to themselves. Even Bakugou looked scared. 

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