Chapter 9

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Izuku POV

"WAKE UP, BITCHES!!!!" I groaned. Can I not get woken up normally?!

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I heard Haley yell, though it was muffled by the walls, her and David's dorm being to Jake and I's dorm's right.

"In you're dreams, babe." I heard right before a prominent smack resonated through the halls. 

"Show her, Haley!" Daisy said loudly from her room to the left of my dorm.

"Do any of you guys know how to shut your mouths?!" Jake threw the pillow off his face, giving up on muffling the sounds of everyone.

"NOPE!" David yelled, barging into our dorm. I groaned and decided to get up. 

"Geez, Izu." David looked at me. "You look like shit," I glared at him.

"Wow, thanks," I said sarcastically.  

"You're welcome!" He replied, preppy as ever.

"Shut up!" Jake groaned, massaging his temples.

"Never!" David ran out of our dorms, probably to wake up Thomas and bother Daisy.

"How does Haley deal with him?!" Jake asked from beside me. Since the dorms that we were staying in were larger, they had two separate twin beds. But, Jake and I decided to push them together to create one large bed, I'm also pretty sure the other four did the same.

"I don't have a fucking clue." I slowly got out of bed and changed into the UA uniform, though I decided to pull a Bakugou and not wear the tie. Speaking of Bakugou...

"Hey, Jake?" I saw Jake changing into his uniform, having the same idea as me but instead of just not wearing the tie, he also tied the jacket around his hips. "Geez, you look hot." I breathed, momentarily forgetting what I was saying.

"Aw~. Thanks, Zu." He walked up and kissed me. I smiled, then frowned a bit remembering what I was going to ask his earlier.

"So, you remember what I said about Todoroki and Bakugou?" I decided to refresh his memory. He didn't like them off the bat once I told him that Todoroki cheated on me, and to make matters worse, my bully. As I predicted, he scowled, his eyes flickering to the ones he has when in his wolf form.

"What about them?" He growled.

"Hey, calm down." I tried to soothe him.

"Since when did you defend them?" He questioned, eyeing me suspiciously. 

"Well, when I saw them yesterday, I saw that they both looked really guilty and were standing in the back of the crowd."


"Well, I was wondering if I should forgive them." I looked at him hopefully. He was shocked.

"W-wh- Forgive them?!"

"Hey, hey hear-"

"No!" Jake interrupted me. "No! They hurt you, Zu. They hurt you!"

"I understand," I tried to reason. "But-"

"No!" He cut me off again. I was getting mildly annoyed as he wasn't even let me explain. Though I do know that he's only doing this because he cares about me. "They shouldn't deserve a second chance. You-"

"Jake!" I shut him up. "Listen to me," I said in a demanding and strict voice. He nodded, but I could still see the hate lingering in his eyes. "I want to forgive them. Not forget. Forgive." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Not forget?"

"Nope. Just forgive." He sighed.

"Fine..." I smiled. "But, you have to run it by the rest of them." I nodded, reaching out my hand.

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