Chapter 12

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Third Person POV (It might just be this for the rest of the story ¯\_(._.)_/¯ )

"Who?" The class asked, confused. Bakugou was still looking at the place where Todoroki last stood, not moving. 

"C-C-Carlos..." Jake breathed. "H-How...?"

"I-I don't know..." Daisy stared at the feather.

"I thought he d-died..." Thomas had tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Who is Carlos, and why did he take Todoroki?" Bakugou growled softly. He was beyond yelling.

"H-He-." Izuku tore his gaze away from the feather, the class finally saw how the emotions swirling through his emerald eyes. Heartbreak, confusion, and betrayal. 

Jake looked away from the feather and wiped his eyes, remembering what happened.


"Carlos!" Jake called out. They were in the middle of a battle against one of the most feared villains in America. Carlos was battling the villain, Killmonger (a/n: Again, kudos if you get the reference. I know he wasn't exactly a villain but his name sounded cool.), with Izuku. His black hair blew around in the wind. Fires crackled and dust swirled in the air around them. The rest of them were either trapped under rubble or were too injured to keep on fighting. Jake was stuck under a cement slab, you could see blood starting to seep out from behind him. It was crushing him. Daisy, David, and Thomas were all passed out on the opposite side of the small city square they were in. Heroes were still unconscious and backup wasn't there yet. Haley's arm and leg were pinned under several metal beams and pipes.

Carlos and Izuku were both covered and scratches and cuts. Their faces were beaded with sweat and their hero clothes were all ripped to shreds. They had been fighting Killmonger for five minutes now, and even with the two most powerful of the 'Seven Crows', they were still losing. 

That's right. There used to be seven of them.

Daisy, David, Thomas, Jake, Haley, Izuku, and Carlos.

Carlos had large wings. They were like Haley's, but black. Carlos decided to name his quirk, Fallen Angel's Will. He could will people to do things, he had telekinesis and wings. He was the second most powerful, only coming in second to Izuku. He had midnight black hair and a lean build. He was relatively tan and a loving and funny personality. His blue eyes always shone with determination and bravery. 

They were losing, yes, but Izuku and Carlos were set on winning. If they didn't win, they couldn't get the codes and the nuclear bomb would go off underground, causing millions to die. Cliche, I know. 

They were all tiring, but the two pushed through and got Killmonger under control. Hands tied behind his back with quirk-canceling cuffs, Killmonger was defeated. But there was still one problem. The codes. The bomb was due to go off in three minutes since it took longer than they thought to take him down. 

"*pant* Use your quirk!" Izuku yelled over the sounds of screaming from civilians and crashes of rubble. 

"Wh- *pant* What? *pant* How?" Carlos wiped his forehead, smearing blood on his face.

"Will him *pant* to give us the *pant* codes." Carlos nodded. He turned and walked over to Killmonger who was still grinning wickedly, despite being on his knees and defeated.

"You lost," Izuku said in the strongest voice he could muster. 

"Not yet..." Izuku and Carlos smirked. Carlos's eyes then turned a misty white, a sign that showed he was starting to use his quirk.

"What are the codes?" He spoke in a distant voice. Killmonger's pupils dilated and he realized what was happening. But it was too late, at least that's what they thought. His eyes glazed over.

"2-4-6-4-8-1-0." He said in a monotone voice. Killmonger's eyes flashed red for a second. But that's all it took. Izuku noticed this, but he shrugged it off as Killmonger trying to escape the trance he was in. That was until a piercing scream cut through the air.

"CARLOS!!" Izuku, Jake, and Haley yelled. Carlos clutched his head and dropped to his knees. A searing pain had erupted in his mind and it felt like his brain was being stabbed over and over then stitched back together, only to be stabbed again. His eyes watered, and his quirk quickly diactivated. Carlos felt like he was falling into a dark abyss. He felt like he wasn't in control anymore. Like he wasn't able to make any choices or do anything. Like he was watching his life through a screen before the pain kicked back in, stronger than ever.

"CARLOS!!" Izuku screamed. Carlos crumpled to the ground and Izuku rushed forward. Only to be stopped by an invisible blockade. 

"CARLOS!" He pounded on the invisible barrier, desperate to get in and help his friend.

"It's no use~." A voice behind him spoke. Izuku watched as a black and purple vortex opened underneath Carlos and swallowed him whole.

"NO! CARLOS!" And he was gone. "You..." Izuku whirled around and glared at Killmonger. He spoke with such venom, Killmonger flinched.

"You did this..." Killmonger quickly regained control and smiled.

"And it won't be the end." With that, the same vortex opened under him and Izuku sprinted forward with all his strength, even using OFA, but he was milliseconds too late, and Killmonger slipped between his fingers.

A Year Later

It's already been a year, but there was still no sign of Carlos. The pros already declared him dead and forgot about him, but his friends didn't think so, and never gave up searching. But with time slowly passing, there seemed like there was no other explanation.

They had to rename themselves. They were no longer the 'Seven Crows', they turned into the 'Six Crows'. Though they never forgot him. They never forgot, Carlos Odom.

Flashback over

Now, that tiny voice of hope in their minds turned into a roar. Every fiber of their being wanted to go find Carlos and hug and cry with him. They wanted to smile and laugh with him again. Each of them felt as if a tiny piece of them that has been missing for so long, was finally back.

But, they had another large problem on their hands. 

"We need to find them. We need to find him." The five-spoke unanimously. 

And nothing was going to stop them.

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