Chapter 7

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Izuku POV


"Whew!" I exclaimed, laying down my head in Jake's lap. We just outran the police and were all chilling out in the abandoned mall.

"That was fun!" David smiled a dopey grin. Earning a smack on the head from Haley.

"Shut the fuck up. But I have to admit," She sat down next to him. "That was pretty fun."

"See." David pointed to Haley. "Even she agrees with me."

"What was that supposed to mean, fucker?"

"N-Nothing!" He squeaked. I laughed at his behavior.

"Hey," Thomas looked at David. "Wasn't it, your fucking fault we got caught and fucking chased by the police on our first fucking day?!"

"Geez, man. Expand your vocabulary."

"Not the point." Thomas spat through gritted teeth.

"Well, sorry, that I didn't know that there were freaking video cameras installed at a fucking abandoned mall!"

"Wait...where are they?" Daisy asked, looking in all the nooks and crannies. "Did they see us come in here?"

"Probably," Jake admitted, playing with my hair.

"How are so chill about this?!" Thomas exclaimed. "We could get kicked out, and my mom would fucking beat my sorry ass!"

"Not my fucking problem," Jake said. "Besides, it's too dark. They couldn't have seen our faces."


"You really are a dimwit," Jake commented softly.

"You just figured that out?" I raised my eyebrow. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"We should probably go back." Daisy looked at her phone. The time read, 10:28. "I can't believe we've been out for that long..."

"What time is it?" Haley asked.

"It's 10:28. Wait..."

"What?" David stopped playing who knows what on his phone.

"When did Mr. Zawa, or whatever, say their classes ended?"

"Umm..." I searched through my memories. "I think about an hour or two after he left- oh..."

"Oh, what?" David, still not getting it, asked.

"How are you, my boyfriend?" Haley murmured. "Zuzu, can we trade boyfriends?" I just laughed and David gasped dramatically.

"How dare you, I'm an amazing boyfriend."

"Yeah," I said getting up and still chuckling. "I'm sure you are. But, Jake's mine." I hugged him from behind. Dropping my laugh, I glared at each and every one of them, letting my devil form flicker out a bit. "And mine only." They all gulped.

"Zu, they're your friends." Jake was the only one unaffected. "And don't worry, I'm yours." He kissed me passionately. I immediately melted into the kiss, forgetting everyone and everything that just happened. He licked the bottom of my lip for entrance and I almost instantly granted it to him. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth and tongue. Much to my displeasure, he slowly pulled away.

"And yours only..." He panted. I smiled and kissed him again. This time it was short but filled with love.

"Awww~" I snapped my head to the direction of the sound. Daisy, Thomas, Haley, and David were all gushing over us. 

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