Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

"YOU BITCH!" Haley yelled. I groaned as I was pulled from my sleep.

"What's going on?" I asked, groggily rubbing my eyes and sitting up in my bed. Haley, Daisy, Thomas, and David were all sitting on the floor of my dorm room that I shared with Jake.

"YOU STOLE $100!"

"What?" I was super confused now. I knew for sure that Haley didn't have $100 unless she meant like actually stealing. We did that a few times, so that was the most believable but at 7 in the morning?


"Oh..." I facepalmed. They're playing Monopoly. It's become like a tradition. We would all play either Monopoly or Uno like once every week or two unless any of us were on private missions. 

Before I even came, Daisy, Haley, Thomas, and David already had the most powerful quirks in the school. They were their own little gang and often did private missions or errands for a few teachers, sometimes even heroes. After a few months, Jake and I were already accepted in the friend group, but we couldn't go on these missions. I also found out what their quirks were.

Daisy's was Waves. She could create and admit sound waves from her hands or mouth, sort of like Jiro's quirk. But, she has better control and has a greater range. She can also adjust the volume and frequency of the wave. But, if she uses her quirk too much, she can go mute for a day or two, but it usually just makes her throat sore which she can just 'cure' it with a few cough drops. And since she can use her hands to project the waves, too, the skin on her hands it always raw which makes it prone to injury. But, if her hands are injured, she can't use her quirk with her hands. 

Haley's quirk is Angel's Grace. Her quirk is like mine, but with angel wings instead of devil wings, a halo instead of horns, beams of light instead of darkness, and light swords and guns instead of dark swords and guns. But, she can't do anything that has to do with making people see things as I can. Instead, she can heal people. She can also make her wings and halo disappear. Her drawbacks are also the same as mine. 

David's is Shadows. He can bend the shadows around him and create shadow weapons; guns, knives, shields, etc. He can also see in the dark and allow others to see in the dark, but it has a max of 5 people unless he works on it more. However, he can get sick easily and his hands and eyes will hurt depending on how long he activates his quirk. 

Thomas's quirk is called Arsenal. It's basically what it's called. He can summon any weapon. They will disappear if they haven't come in contact with him for more than an hour or he wills it to disappear. Right now, he can create 4 weapons at a time and keep them out for 4 hours, but it can be more if he works on it. The drawbacks are if he summons too many weapons or keeps them out for too long, his arms will go numb and render useless. With extreme cases, he could lose a finger or two, and even more, extreme, lose his arm.

I also learned more about Jake's quirk.

His is Wolf and as he said before, he has wolf-like qualities; strength, speed, senses, agility, etc. Jake also has retractable claws that sprout from between his knuckles (a/n: like Wolverine), and retractable canines. He also can heal really fast. But, he has a more animalistic diet and during full moons, he's forced to change into his most wolf-like appearance and go hunt or vent.

I can also use OFA at 100%, thanks to constant training...and visits to the nurse. I also learned how to fully control and utilize my new quirk. 

Finally, by the end of our first year here, the teachers saw that Jake and I were also pretty powerful and could handle our quirks very well. So, they let us join in on the missions. At school, we're referred to as the Six Crows. The teachers don't really care what we do outside of school and our missions, so we can use that time to 'release our teenager hormones'. Or, just act like batshit crazy teenagers. We've snuck out, gotten drunk and stoned, stole things, done graffiti, but we are always, okay mostly, good students. We mostly only participate in these activities after school. The teachers and students know that we're troublemakers so they don't really mind it. Obviously they don't know that we've stolen things before, but they know about getting drunk. Not necessarily how often, but they know that we do it.

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