Chapter 19

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Third Person POV


"Oh god," Haley breathed. Carlos had just left, or they had assumed he did because he didn't say anything.

"What are they doing?" Todoroki asked. The two could see that Izuku and his friends and the pro heroes were all talking with Carlos and Shigaraki.

"I don't know," Haley mumbled. "But, if I know anything about Izu, it's that he always has a plan."

"But," Todoroki peeled his eyes off of the screen. "Doesn't that also mean that Carlos also knows?"

"I-, I didn't think about that."

"Then what's his actual plan?" Todoroki leaned in closer to the screen, eyeing Carlos. Haley did the same. What is your plan? 

Time Skip

With Carlos and Izuku

"Shigaraki," Carlos glared at him. "We should start, right?" He just grumbled and nodded.

"Let's do this."

The Izuku and Carlos both charged at each other while the pro heroes as well as the rest of the Six Crows and the LOV as well as some other random villains locked into a battle. 

Eraserhead, like Izuku asked him to, immediately erased Carlos's quirk. Carlos was stunned for a second, but that's all it took. Izuku lunged at him, and fired a blast. He dodged last minute, but his wings did get a singed. 

"Oh, very clever." Carlos smiled. Izuku just growled and flew up after Carlos. They circled in mid air and dove after each other.

Izuku summoned his duel swords and slashed, all within a second. Carlos twisted and flew under both Izuku and his swords. He then unholstered a gun that was hiding behind his back.

"What? You didn't think that I was going to come in here weaponless, did you?" He taunted. I need to hurry up. Izuku glanced at Eraserhead who was starting to get attacked, though the Six Crows were guarding him. He can't hold it for much longer. Most of the LOV were in captivity now, and two of the pro heroes looked actually hurt. Suddenly, a searing pain erupted in his shoulder. Izuku hissed, the feeling of warm blood trickling down his arm was all too familiar.

"Aw, Izu got a boo-boo?" He just lunged after Carlos and feinted a strike to his head. Once Carlos moved to duck, Izuku brought his other sword to Carlos's side. The black-haired boy grunted as the blade slashed him.

"Aw, Carlos got a boo-boo?" Izuku mimicked. He just growled. They started trading punches and kicks at the speed of light, none of them letting up. Minutes later, a familiar sensation spread throughout Izuku's body. No! He spared a glance at Eraserhead and saw that someone snuk up behind him while the others were occupied, causing him to lose focus and have to fight.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Carlos asked, smirking. The feeling of numbness finally spread throughout his body.

"Give up." A strong force seemed to cloud his mind, like Shinsou's quirk. No! If I can break out of Shinsou's mind control, I can break out of Carlos's control, too. 

"I-" Izuku made a weird choking sound and stopped speaking. No! Don't give up! 

"I-" Carlos tried to force him again. Beads of sweat started forming on his forehead. Why is he so hard to control?! Carlos screamed mentally. Izuku started pushing against Carlos's will with his own. Come on! I can do this! 

"No! Fight it!" A voice rang out in the otherwise empty warehouse. All the villains were in cuffs and the heroes were all watching the fight above, well, not really a fight anymore. There, in his line of vision, was Class 3-A. Todoroki! Haley! Why are they here? Then Izuku saw the villains, unconscious behind them. That's Class 3-A for you.

"Fight it!" Someone called out. They all knew that they couldn't do anything about it. It was all up to Izuku now. With renewed determination, Izuku pushed harder, fueled by the shouts of encouragement from his classmates. A scream ripped from his throat. Carlos gripped his head. And beams of dark light shot out of Izuku's body, hitting the metal walls of the warehouse, the light above, and shattering the windows. 

Once the dust settled, you could see Izuku, holding an uncinous and handcuffed Carlos in his arms. Silence fell upon the crowd before loud, joyous, cheers rang out. The heroes and students alike, all cheered and chanted Izuku's name.



Time Skip

"What is your name?" Tsukauchi asked. Naomasa Tsukauchi, the detective, was currently questioning Carlos in an interrogation room they had in UA since they didn't feel it was safe to transport him.

"Carlos Odom." 

"True." Carlos was being questioned for obvious reasons, and on the other side of the one-way glass, stood Class 3-A and the Six Crows. Some were bitter, others were confused, and a few felt betrayed. I think you can guess who. Mr. Aizawa and Principle Nezu were in the room with the other two, one for safety purposes, the other to try and figure out what exactly happened.

"What's your age?" Carlos rolled his eyes.

"I'm 17." 

"True. Are you a villain?"

"Y-" Carlos lurched forward. Mr. Aizawa and Tsukauchi stood up so fast, they both knocked over their chairs. Even Principle Nezu looked surprised and confused. No one moved.

"I am a-" His body spasmed again. 

"What's going on?" Izuku demanded from the other side of the glass. He tried pounding on the glass, but the others held him back. Though, all their eyes held concern and confusion.

"You can't." Haley tried. "Stop." It hurt her heart to see her, once close friend, look like this. Handcuffed and tied down in an interrogation room. But, she bit her tongue and swallowed her feelings.

"I am a vil-" There he went again. His body shook a bit more violently until he shook his head, seemingly stopping whatever he was doing earlier.

"I am a villain." Tsukauchi slowly sat back down, but Mr. AIzawa stood at the ready. What the heck was that? Was the only thing coursing through everyone's minds.

"Ummm..." Tsukauchi was baffled. 

"What?" Mr. Aizawa asked, still keeping his eyes on the teenager.

"I-It's not, It's not true or false." Tsukauchi looked bewildered. "It's somewhere in between."

"What do you mean?" Nezu raised a brow. This is getting interesting. A small idea already sat in the back of his mind, but he needed more evidence. Though, there was already a lot, this might be the deciding factor.

"I mean," He turned towards them. "He's not telling a lie, but he's also not telling the truth."

"Hm, interesting." Nezu scratched his chin.

"What the fuck does he mean, 'In THe miDdLE?!'" Izuku waved his hands around.

"Does it look like I fucking know?" Daisy sighed. "Look, I know you're upset, but we're all in the same boat. It doesn't give you an excuse to be a bitch."

"Yeah," Izuku grumbled and rubbed his temples. "Sorry, this is just so-, It's just so-" He made a bunch of weird gestures. "Right?" The class had no clue what the heck he said, but the other five seemed to understand.

"Yeah," Jake hugged his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "But, we'll get through it together."

"Thanks," Izuku said, leaning into his touch.

"Cute," Mina interrupted. "But, look." She pointed inside the room. Carlos's head was subtly snapping to the side and his hands were twitching. But it was his eyes. They were turned almost a grey misty color, then red, then back to his blue eyes. Izuku gasped.

"That's it!"

"What?" Thomas asked. His voice lacked his usual pep and fun. But, it was to be expected. The class knew that they probably wouldn't ever be exactly like the used to be. And they learned to accept it, but they weren't too sure about the people themselves.

"I know why he's like this!"

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