Chapter 21

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Third Person POV

"Damn..." Kaminari slumped on the couch. "Today was hectic." Murmurs of agreement could be heard from the rest of the class.

They had all just gotten back from witnessing Carlos's interrogation. It was already pretty late, and people were starting to go upstairs until a voice stopped them.

"Hey, um, guys?" Izuku called out. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"We think that we're ready to tell you what happened to Carlos." Jake held onto Izuku's hand. It was comforting for both of them. The class was taken aback.

"A-Are you sure?" Jirou asked. The six nodded.

"Yeah..." Thomas said.

"If you say so." Momo cautiously went to sit on the couch, followed by the rest of the class. 

"Okay," Izuku started. "It all started when I went to America..."

Time Skip

"And that's what happened." Class 3-A's mouths were hanging open with shock. 

"O-Oh," Uraraka tried to find the right words to say. "I-I'm so sorry." Izuku just smiled warmly.

"It's fine, Uraraka."

"But hey," Kirishima tried to raise everyone's spirits. "At least we have a chance to bring Carlos back, right?"

"Yeah," David wiped his eyes, followed by a gentle squeeze from Haley. Even if he wasn't exactly conscious when Carlos was taken, every time he heard the story, he was brought to tears. "Kirishima's right. We have to stay positive." The class cheered and dispersed back to their rooms, probably to go to bed.

"Hey," Izuku called out again. "Bakugou and Todoroki, could I speak with you guys?"


"Sure," Todoroki was nervous. He knew that Haley said that Izuku forgave him, and he was pretty sure that was what this was about. But, he still couldn't push the thought away that she only said it to raise his spirits. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He subconsciously fidgeted with the edge of his shirt.

"You're fine, Todoroki." Izuku laughed. Todoroki was confused. Did she actually tell the truth? "I forgive you two."

"A-Are you sure?" Todoroki stuttered. "I mean, aren't you being too forgiving. And, why aren't you surprised?" He faced his boyfriend.

"Oh," Bakugou seemed to have been spacing out. "He already told me."

"I, B-, Thank you."

"No problem."

Time Skip

"Are you guys ready?" Izuku asked for the fifth time.

"We're fine, Izu," Mina said. 

"What about you?" Izuku turned to face Shinsou who was about to talk to Carlos.

"I'm fine." Shinsou laughed. "Just a little nervous."

"You're going to be great!" Izuku hugged him, leaving Shinsou with Kaminari as he went to stand next to Jake.

"Okay," Nezu clapped his hands, which actually was pretty loud considering he was a mouse-human-bear hybrid. (a/n: But seriously, what is he???) "Let's start."

Shinsou took a deep breath and Kaminari pecked him on the lips causing Mina and Uraraka to squeal something about Shinkami. 

"Be careful..." He murmured, pressing their foreheads together.

"I will." Shinsou reassured him and walked into the interrogation room. 

"You know what you will be doing?" Mr. Aizawa looked him up and down.

"I'm fine, and yes, I know what I'm doing." He turned to Carlos who was watching the whole exchange.

"Cute, what? I don't get any hugs or kisses?" He looked at Izuku with fake innocent eyes. Mr. Aizawa had the urge to sneer, but he reminded himself that Carlos wasn't actually the one doing this, it was just his body.

"Wait, what's your name again?"

"I already told you," He rolled his eyes. "It's Car-" Shinsou activated his quirk, and Carlos's face became slack and his eyes misted over. Shinsou's brow furred and small beads of sweat appeared on his face.

"What's happening?" Mr. Aizawa demanded. "I knew it, stop it. It's-" He was silenced when Shinsou raised a hand.

"It's fine." He said. "It was just a bit of a fight to get full control. It seems that whatever was controlling him before, isn't as strong." Mr. Aizawa relucently nodded and stepped back again.

"What's your name?"

"Carlos Odom."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 17."

"What's the last thing you remember doing, by yourself?"

"I was fighting Killmonger with Izuku." Breaths of relief sounded outside. So he was being controlled. Any last doubts clouding people's minds were washed away.

"What happened after that?"

"I passed out."

"And after that?"



"W-Where am-m I?"

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