Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

"Kero. What do we do?" Tsu asked. It was a few minutes after the Six Crows declared that they were going to find them. And this other person, who the class found out was a male called Carlos. But, other than that and the fact that the five thought that he was dead, they had no idea who this mystery person was.

"First," Jake tried to get his bearings. "We need to get the teachers and inform them that two of their students have been kidnapped." Nods passed through the group.

"As class representative," Iida announced. "I shall inform Aizawa-sensei." He sprinted off once he finished his statement. 

"Next," David said, though his eyes were filled with unshed tears for both his long lost friend and lover, but he wouldn't cry. Not until they saved them. Not until they saved her. "We need to think. Who tried to kidnap our friends?"

"Ooh!" Mina called out, raising her hand. "I think it was the Leauge of Villains." This caused shudders to pass through the crowd.

"Are they the group of villains that have been attacking UA throughout the years?" Jake asked.

"Yeah," Koda said.

"Okay, now, we know that the LOV and C-C," Thomas recomposed himself. "And Carlos are behind this." Class 3-A still didn't understand who this Carlos was, but they knew from when Bakugou got kidnapped, they shouldn't press it now.

"Do you guys know where the base is?" Jake asked,

"Yeah," Shinsou replied. "But, I don't think that they're going to move them there, after last time."

"True." Izuku murmured. "Then where would they be?" Choruses of, 'I don't know' rang through the air. 

"What happened here?" Heads turned to face Mr. Aizawa in all his glory at the doorway.

"There was an attack," Shinsou said.

"Attack?" He questioned. "Is anyone hurt?" Though, from his standpoint, it didn't look like anyone was physically hurt. But, the American transfer students did look more shaken up and down than the others, now that Mr. Aizawa thought about it, "Where's Haley?"

David choked back a sob and wiped his eyes. "She was taken," Mr. Aizawa's eyes widened a fraction. "Along with Todoroki." A grim expression crossed Mr. Aizawa's face.

"I will go inform Nezu about this." He made eye-contact with every single one of his students and emphasized his next words. "Don't. Do. Anything." A few shivered under his intense gaze. Once he left, Izuku faced the crowd.

"Okay, what are we going to do?"

"Didn't Mr. Aizawa say to not do anything?" Jirou asked.

"Did that ever stop us before?" Kaminari looked at her. "Remember Bakugou?" Eyes fixed on the normally explosive blonde, but who was now just sitting on the couch, eyes focused on his hands that rested in his lap. Looks of pity washed onto their faces.

"I don't fucking care what that Human Caterpillar says," He lifted his head. "I'm going to get Shoto back." He used his real name... Everyone breathed. After a sharp look from David, Bakugou added onto his previous statement. "And that fucking extra, I guess." 

"Good," Jake nodded. "Now, where are some good places to start?"

Hours Later

"That's not bad for only a few hours." Thomas commented. They had just wrapped up their planning since people were starting to doze off and ideas were becoming harder to find. Nods and smiles passed through the crowd. Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers plus Principle Nezu had come by earlier and the class successfully hid their plans and work from them.

Now, they were all sitting in the living area. No one was really up for sleeping. Not with knowing that their fellow students were out there, in the captivity of villains. 

"What do we do?" Sero asked.

"Well," Izuku started. "We can't do anything right now, but tomorrow we can start planning again."

"But," Kaminari lifted his head. "What if we can't find them?"

"What if we can't save them?" Kirishima asked. Doubts started to circle through everyone's heads. Unheard possibilities started to call out for attention.

"No." David shook his head. "We can't listen to those voices. We don't know that. What we do know is that we will put everything we have into saving Todoroki and Haley." Determined expressions swept through the crowd.

"Yeah," Momo said. "We got this. We did this once, we can do it again." 

"Let's go to bed," Jake declared. "We need our energy for tomorrow."


Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't know what to write -.-

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