Chapter 18

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Third Person POV


"We're in," Hagakure said. All five of them had successfully gotten in and knocked the few patrolling guards unconscious all without being caught. There were a few tripwires around the doors as well as alarms, but Kaminari quickly fried them. "The guards are down. The ones that we see, at least." 

"Shinsou said that the guards patrol, or walk, around the sides of the compound, I guess you could call it," Izuku informed them. 

"Okay. We'll stay here." Kirishima walked back to Tokoyami and he and Kaminari were engulfed by blackness once more. Shoji put two of his Dupli-arms on the ground and simply closed his eyes.

"There is one secret exit underground under that," He used another one of his arms to point at a metal grate in the ground a few meters away. "Got that?" 

"Yep," The receiving end said. "Thanks. Just stay put."

"No problem." 


"Phase two, part b, phase three, and phase four; Ojiro and Sato, go guard the exit, communicate with Shoji to find where it leads to." They both nodded and ran off. "Next, Jirou and Iida plus one pro hero, you guys choose, you will stay here, preferably in someplace someone can't see you easily." The three nodded and left, scouting the place for good hiding spots. "Finally, pro heroes, David, Daisy, Jake, and Thomas. Let's go. The rest of you know when and what to do?" 



"You got it." Izuku smiled.

"Let's do this." They left, leaving the rest of Class 3-A behind.


"I'll let you two sit back and watch the show." Carlos's voice left the two teenagers alone with the screen and their thoughts.

"I hope they win," Haley muttered.

"Me, too. Me, too."

At The Front 

"CARLOS!" Izuku yelled. He was standing at the front of the group along with Eraserhead. 

"My, my, my." A figure called out. He was standing on one of the railings on the second floor of the warehouse. "You finally figured out who I am. I'm so...glad, Zu~." He taunted. Wings reached out on either side of him and he jumped. A few heroes started to move before remembering that they were supposed to fight him and the fact that he had wings. Carlos swooped in the air, making large circles before finally gently touching down on the ground in front of them. The Americans sucked in a breath. Now, you could clearly see his face. 

His straight black hair was as unruly as ever with those piercing blue eyes. He used to be made fun of because of the odd combination, but as time passed, people finally realized that it was a unique attribute. But, the five teens noticed that his eyes looked a bit hazy. They were definitely focused solely on the heroes and hero-in-training students, but they looked like there was a slight cloud over them.

"Ah, nice to see you, too." He nodded at each teen. "Daisy. David. Thomas. Jake." 

"Carlos..." Thomas gritted out. His face was emotionless, but his eyes and voice betrayed him. Carlos smiled devilishly. 

"Hello, dear Thomas. It's been quite some time, hasn't it?" He laughed. "Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get down to business." Recognizable faces started walking forwards behind Carlos.

"Shigaraki." Eraserhead greeted the pale blue-haired villain.

"Eraserhead." The man responded, grinning, a malicious gleam in his eyes.

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