Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

"Today's the day." Izuku fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. They were all standing outside of Carlos's door. The Six Crows, who just renamed themselves back to the Seven Crows, in the front, Class 3-A in the back, feeling a bit out of place.

"Yeah," Daisy breathed.

"Who wants to do the honors?" Thomas asked. They had all been informed that Carlos was now back to normal by the pro heroes and they were all eager to see him. None of them actually accounted for the number of nerves they had standing outside of a regular grey door.

"Izuku, you should do it," Haley said.

"Um, I don't know." Izuku tried to change their minds. "What about Jake? Daisy? Or Thomas?"

"You're the best person to do it," Daisy confirmed. The students behind them also all agreed, well not Bakugou, but that was only one person. He just stood off to the side, holding Todoroki's hand protectively like he could lose him at any second.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah!" David patted him on the back.

"Okay..." Izuku steadied his breathing and slowly reached out for the metal door handle. He grabbed it, the metal felt cool and smooth under his sweaty hand. Taking another breath, Izuku gently turned the handle and pushed. The door swung open with a creak. He shakily took a step forward, into the room.

"I-Izu...?" Izuku drew in a sharp breath, tears were begging to fall.

"C-Carlos..." He choked. 

"Hey, Zuzu..." There he was. The same blue eyes that seemed so much clearer. His signature toothy grin and wind-swept hair. That one small scar just above his left eyebrow from when Izuku chased him for stealing his phone. The memories came flooding back into both Izuku and Carlos's minds at full force. 

"You finally get your mans?" Carlos asked, smiling that infectiously stupid grin. Izuku let out a strangled laugh and wiped his eyes.

"Yeah, I see you're still as single as Thomas." Carlos chuckled softly.

"He's still single?"

"Fuck yeah I am!" Thomas made himself known in the room. 

"We can be lonely and scope out girls we can never get together." Carlos joked. Thomas's eyes watered at Carlos's comment. He definitely missed this.

"Yeah, man. Lonely forever, together."

"Don't forget about us!" Daisy protested. 

"Hey, Daisy. You finally stop fawning over Charolette and woman up and ask her out, yet?" Carlos smirked at Daisy's slightly red face.

"You knew?!" The other five's jaws fell open. Carlos just laughed.

"You mean you didn't know?" 

"Um, hi?" Kirishima poked his head into the room, a nervous smile dominated his features.

"Hey!" Carlos nodded his head. 

Soon enough, the room was filled with childish banter and laughs. 

Bakugou was red-faced, trying to kill Kirishima who had asked him about how good Todoroki was in bed and Todoroki wasn't any help adding earlier, almost subconciously, that Bakugou was a bottom. Uraraka was trying to stop him while Iida was screaming, lecturing at everyone about the rules, waving his arms around, but they both weren't having much luck. Todoroki wasn't paying any attention to any of them, instead opting to take notes about his new conspiracy. Kaminari had somehow shorted out and was walking around the room, crashing into people and things. Shinsou had crawled into the vents, and was now hanging upside down, sleeping. 

Momo and Tsu were in the corner planning a sleepover they were going to host at Momo's house over the weekend. Tokoyami, Jiro, and Shoji in another corner discussing the details of the ritual that they were going to use to summon a demon later that day. Occasionally throwing Skittles at Kaminari who kept on bumping into them, then muttering something about wasting their ritual materials. 

Mina was taunting Kaminari and Sero was videoing the entire thing, while also laughing and trying to simultaneously tape up Kaminari to stop the damage. But, he was laughing too hard that the tape was just flying everywhere and sticking to everyone. Aoyama was randomly looking out of the window smiling creepily and stroking a block of cheese with googly eyes glued on to it. Hagakure and Ojiro were innocently cuddling in one of the chairs. Meanwhile, Sato and Kota were trying not to get hit by all the projectiles flying throughout the room, mostly from Bakugou.

The rest of the Seven Crows were all chatting about everything that happened. Including sharing all their stories about the dumb things they did to Carlos who was laughing so hard that he was practically crying. While the others were busy arguing and trying to stop Daisy from launching herself at Jake, Carlos looked around the room and sighed. A peaceful smile gracing his features despite the almost war going on around him. 

Man, I could get used to this.


Whew! Finally done! This was really fun, my first completed book on Wattpad.

Also, shameless plug.

Go check out my other stories, my favorite right now is;

Fashionable Love (Shinkami Love Story)

Class 1-A would think that they were a pretty tight-knit family. Sure, some people liked their privacy, but none more than Denki Kaminari. People respected it, and he was thankful. He wasn't sure what he would do if people found out his secret. No, he isn't depressed or getting abused. It was more.... high class.

Denki Kaminari is a world-famous fashion designer. He's the youngest and most successful on top of that. He doesn't like other people knowing because of some rocky stuff in his past.

Thankfully, he's slowly getting past that. All thanks to a certain model.

But, what happens when his secret is slowly coming to light sooner than he wants?

★Things to know in this AU★
- Shinsou doesn't go to UA
- Mineta isn't in Class 1-A (Thank god)

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