Chapter 5

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Izuku POV

"Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck! Fuck!" I yelled. 

"Stop! In the name of the law!"

"Shut the fuck up, Izu, or I'm gonna make you! What's the big deal anyway?!" Thomas turned and glared at me.

"One, I was the sweet innocent cinnamon roll here, so no one knows that I do this type of stuff! And two, they can report us! And we could get kicked out of hero school!"

"Stop fighting- shit!" Haley said from behind me, stumbling a bit.

"You don't have anywhere to go!"

"Just stop talking!" Daisy ran up behind me and smacked me on the back of the head, almost making me trip and fall.

"If I die, it's on all you fuckers!" I screamed.

"Who's idea was this?!" Jake ran in front of me.

"David!" I remembered. "You bitch! If we don't get caught I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!"


"This view is amazing!" Jake breathed.

"No shit, Sherlock." David laughed. We just snuck into a private construction site after stealing a few bags of candy and junk food from a local convince store. We were in an unfinished building. The beams were still visible, only the first three floors had actual cement floors. The other seven only had the metal beams for you to step on. 

We sat and joked around while eating for an hour, it was totally worth it. Considering it took us an hour just to get here. Let's hope we can use our quirks to get back faster. 

We started our exploration of the city by going to an abandoned shopping mall and fucked around for a bit, I'll let you imagine what we did *cough* graffiti *cough* before we came here. So, we were already worn out, just enjoying being teens. We all knew that Mr. Aizawa said that their classes ended in two hours, it's already been about three, and we didn't really clean up the living room, so the couches were still ruined and there were a little blood and scuff marks on the ground. But, we couldn't give a shit.

"How did you even know this was here?" I asked David. He just shrugged.

"I saw it when we were walking around."

"This sunset is beautiful!" Haley exclaimed she laid her head on David's shoulder. We were all sitting on the edge beam and dangling our legs off like kids on monkey bars, but instead of it being only a few feet off the ground it's like a hundred. The plastic chip bags floated down and settled on the ground below us.

"Yeah, I just wish Charlotte was here..." Daisy said wistfully. Thomas sighed.

"And I wish I wasn't single..." We all chuckled softly. He draped his arm around Daisy's shoulder.

"No homo."

"No homo." She agreed, leaning back onto his chest. I took a picture of each of them, their silhouettes contradicting with the orange-pink sunset in the background. I then leaned in and kissed Jake. It wasn't too short or too long, it was filled with love and compassion.

"I love you." I pulled away, our foreheads touching.

"I love you, too." He breathed. We kissed again, the feeling of fireworks that erupted in my heart were just as strong and vibrant as the first time we kissed. And I loved it.

"Hey! You kids!" I hastily broke away and saw a police officer. "You're not supposed to be here!"

We all jumped up. 

"You kids are the ones that snuck into the mall, right?"

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath, the others looked at me.

"How tight is the security here?!" David demanded.

"It's pretty bad with all the villains roaming around," I admitted, already trying to find a way out of the mess.

"I think it's too dark, he can't see our faces," Daisy pointed out. "We can make a run for it."

"But, if we do, and get caught they're definitely going to tell our school and we're going to get kicked out, I mean, we're still teenagers! This is so unfair!" Jake complained.

"Jake, you're rambling," Haley told him.

"We just need to be more careful," Thomas said.

"Yeah, that's if we can get out of here!" I hissed. 

"Kids!" The officer yelled. "Put your hands up and turn around!"

"It's now or never! What do we do?!" We've never been caught like this before, America's security wasn't as bad and they didn't care as much. Have we been caught before, yeah, but it was always in familiar terrain and this was a different country, and since I never really broke any laws, none of us knew what would happen. All I know is that Japan was definitely more strict about this type of stuff."

"We could run, he can't see our faces," Daisy said again.

"Any other options?" Haley asked.

"Hey! Put your hands up!"

"No?" She looked around.

"I said, put your hands-" He got cut off when we all bolted in the direction furthest away from him, each of us on a different beam, trying to balance while running.

"How are we supposed to get down?!" David yelled.

"Get back here!" The police officer started chasing us, but was a bit slower, having to mind the gaps in the floor.

"We can't outrun him! There isn't that much space left!" Jake yelled. He's right. The edge of the building was coming up. What do we do?


"Wait! We have wings!" Haley yelled. If I wasn't running from the police, I would've facepalmed at my stupidity.

"What about the people without wings?!" Thomas demanded.

"I got it!" I attracted everyone's attention.

"Well, hurry up! We're literally at the edge of the building!"

"Haley and I fly-"

"Yeah, we got that!" David snapped. I skidded to a stop, careful not to fall off the edge.

I ignored him. "Daisy can just use soundwaves to bring herself and somebody else down."

"I'll go with her." Thomas volunteered.

"There you are!" I looked back at the police officer. "You kids shouldn't have run. Put your hands in the air."

"Jake can use his quirk to safely descend the building," He nodded. "And David choose either Haley or me to carry you down."


"Meet at the abandoned mall that we were just at." Their heads bobbed up and down.

"Stay where you are and put your hands in the air!" The police officer approached us.

"Go!" I commanded as I jumped off, sprouted my wings, and took off into the night.

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