Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

Once we arrived at the entrance of UA, I started to get a bit nervous. It's been a long time since I've been here, what if they don't like me anymore?

"Hey," Jake looked at me. "You're going to be fine. They knew you were leaving and they're your friends so they couldn't possibly stay mad at you for long."

"Thanks, Jake." I stood on my tippy toes and hugged him full-force.

"Anytime, Zu." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and started through the entrance gate. I did a final check of my things. Suitcase, check. David, check. Thomas, check. Phone, check. Wings, gone. Horns, gone. Tail, gone. Okay, I think I'm ready.

"Ah! Welcome back, Midoryia!" Principle Nezu greeted me. He was standing at the front of UA with Mr. Aizawa.

"Hello, again, Principle Nezu," I bowed. "These are my friends. That's Jake, David, Haley, Daisy, and Thomas." I pointed to the corresponding person.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," He held out his hand for Jake to shake. "What are your quirks?"

After Explaining

"So, yeah. Those are our quirks." We just finished explaining our quirks to Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa.

"Those are some powerful quirks..." Nezu commented.

"Thank you." Haley thanked him.

"So," Mr. Aizawa looked at us. "You guys are going to be staying in the UA dorms, correct?"

"Yes," I answered. "Where are our dorms going to be, or if we are going to be in the same dorms and another class?" Oh geez, I hate being formal. But, what can I do about it? They still don't know that I've changed. Should I put on an innocent cinnamon roll act or be myself? I quietly thought to myself.

"Your dorms are going to be with class 3-A, partly because Midoryia was already in class 1-A when he left and because your quirks are powerful and I would like to help you control them even more-"

"Not to be rude," Thomas interjected. "But, what can you teach us? We already have a very good grip on our quirks."

"It's fine, but we might have different teaching methods than American hero schools, so you could get a different experience here." He does make a valid point, UA's ways of teaching were different from America's...

"Okay," Thomas seemed to find it reasonable. 

"So, when are we going to settle into our new dorms?" Daisy asked.

"Ah, yes," Nezu led into the school. "We can go to your new dorms once we are finished the tour. Now, let's begin. Shall we?"

Time Skip After The Tour

"And finally, these are the Class 3-A dorms." Nezu walked into a building that was disconnected from the main UA building. Inside we went to the third floor and when we exited we saw a large living room with a few couches and a TV and tables to the left. To the right was a kitchen and dining area, the kitchen was large, full with an island with multiple stoves and ovens. The dining area just had a large dining table with chairs surrounding it. Directly, in front of us were two hallways. 

"This is the living area and kitchen and well as where you are to eat your meals. To the left," He pointed to the two hallways. "Are the girl dorms and to the right are the boy dorms. You would usually be separated by gender, as you can tell, but there were more boys and fewer girls than expected. So, all of the boy dorms are full, and there are quite a few open dorms in the girl's hallway."

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