Chapter 2

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Izuku POV   (two years later)

It's been two years since I moved to America. And let's just say, I don't regret it at all. I've made new friends, got myself a new boyfriend, and I found out that I had a quirk. Not the one that All Might gave me, my own quirk. Apparently, the circumstances weren't right for it to manifest. It needed to have an overwhelming amount of negative feelings or panic that could trigger it. I named my quirk Devil's Blessing. Cliche I know.


It was my first day at my new school. Apparently it's like the UA of America, just under the actual UA, the one I used to go to in Japan. Since it was the first day for me, I had to do the quirk assessment test along with another new student. His name was Jake Ranger. At this point, I could only use 15% of OFA without breaking any bones. Jake's quirk was called Wolf. It allowed him to have Wolf-like qualities; strength, agility, and senses. We met before school and we were instant friends. 

Jake Ranger

The first thing I thought when I saw Jake was, Holy crap he's hot

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The first thing I thought when I saw Jake was, Holy crap he's hot. Followed by me turning redder than a tomato, issuing quite a few questions from him. We talked about where we were from, what our quirks were, and other basic information. 

"Today, class, we have two new students." The teacher, Mr. Henry, declared. "Please be nice and we are also going to take the first period to do quirk assessments for them both." The class cheered. "Please come in." Jake went in first. Most of the girls swooned. I mean, come on, he's really hot.

"Hey, my name's Jake Ranger. My quirk is Wolf, it allows me to have wolf-like qualities, and I just moved here from Canada. A few facts about me are my favorite color is red, my favorite food is lasagna, and I like going to the beach." Jake described.

"Thank you, Jake. You may sit down." When Jake sat down I finally came in.

"Hello, my name's Izuku Midoriya. My quirk is One For All and I moved here from Japan. A few things about me are that I like the color green, my favorite food is katsudon, and I like reading."

"Thank you, Izuku. You may also take a seat. We're going to go over the rules that we have here then we can go to the gym and test your quirks, ok?" Courses of yeses were heard in the class. Once Mr. Henry explained the rules we all headed down to the gym.

"You two can go into the locker room to change into your gym uniform then meet us outside. If you don't mind, the class will also be watching." I nodded and followed Jake into the locker room. I quickly changed and was looking for my shoe when I saw Jake without a shirt on. To say I blushed would be an understatement. The dude was ripped, he had a very defined eight pack. You could tell that he had upper body muscles, but they weren't too noticeable. 


"H-Huh? O-Oh!" Jake was looking at me weirdly. "Y-Yes?" I must've been staring!!!

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