Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

It's been two days since both Todoroki and Haley were taken. At UA, Class 3-A has developed a good plan, and have been finding where the two are being kept. After the villain attack, the teachers gave the class three days off to get recuperated. With Haley and Todoroki, Haley was over the shock of her supposedly 'dead' and missing teammate is still alive. But, the betrayal cut deeper than a knife. Todoroki tried to be comforting even though he didn't know what the problem was. Because of this, they became good friends. Maybe not enough to spill some of their secrets, but enough so that they could trust each other.

The weird thing was, the villains hadn't done anything to them, they just asked the same question, 'Will you join us?' multiple times, which they both obviously refused instantly. They even kept them fed and hydrated. 

"Okay," In the dorms for Class 3-A, everyone was tracking where they were taken. (a/n: I don't know how just pretend that they planted a tracker of something.) 

"There!" Someone shouted. They were all crowded around a tablet looing for a ping of the tracker they threw in the portal last minute, courtesy of Momo, even if the ping was faint, it would still be there. 

A very faint red ring could barely be seen flickering on and off. 

"There it is again?" Jirou pointed somewhere on the map.

"So, we have a place," Sero looked at Izuku. "What do we do now?" Heads turned, looking at different people before eventually, everyone's gaze migrated to Izuku, waiting for an answer.

"Well," He said after a few seconds. "We can't rush in now," Groans could be heard but everyone knew the reason why, even Bakugou, who had been relatively silent the entire time since Todoroki had been taken. "Maybe in a few days." 

"Okay," Uraraka sighed. "What do we do in the meantime?" 

"In the meantime," Jake stood up. "We can train and go over the plan in more detail since we now have a location. We can't save them if we aren't in peak shape." Everyone agreed and dispersed, most likely to the gym.

"Wait, Bakugou!" Izuku called out. In the midst of everything that's been going on, he forgot that he planned to forgive him and Todoroki. Bakugou turned around and growled faintly.

"What do you want, Deku..."

"Well, I just wanted to say that I forgive you." Silence followed Izuku's statement. Bakugou was in shock. H-He forgives me....?

"B-But why?"

"Well, I won't forget what you two did, but I do believe that everyone deserves a second chance, besides I really don't want to be enemies with you two. You're my childhood best friend, well, at least you were, but that doesn't matter." He added quickly when he saw Bakugou's face darken. "And you both are powerful, I don't want something like a breakup to get in between us. So, can we be friends?" Izuku steeled his nerves and held out his hand, not sure how Bakugou would react.

To his surprise, Bakugou's eyes started watering and he jumped forward, embracing Izuku in a hug. After getting over his shock, Izuku hugged back. Once Bakugou pulled away, he wiped his eyes and smiled a genuine smile. The guilt had been secretly eating him and his boyfriend, Todoroki, up on the inside.

"Thank you, Izuku..." Bakugou left leaving a stunned Izuku standing in the living space.

With Haley and Todoroki

"I-I just don't get it..." Haley whispered, cradling her knees closer to her chest. Todoroki placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Why would he do that...?"

"I don't know... I know you don't want to tell me what happened," Todoroki sighed, finally deciding to ask Haley who Carlos was. "But I can't help you if you don't. If you don't I still understand, but I won't be as big of a help. You don't need to right-"

"No," Haley wiped her tears away. "I should... If we're both being kidnapped by him, and I'm going to be crying my eyes out, then you should know. You're going to find out eventually anyway."

"Are you sure?" He questioned. Todoroki was surprised that she opened up this easily.

"Yeah, isn't this what you wanted?" He just nodded. "Well, he was our teammate."


"You see, we used to be the 'Seven Crows'." Todoroki's eyes went wide at this new information.

"There used to be seven?"

"Yeah," Haley choked as the memories that she kept locked away for years came flooding back.

"Hey, hey." He hugged her. "It's okay, take your time." When was I this comforting? Todoroki shook those thoughts from his head. She just sniffled.

"There was a huge attack. And we went there with the heroes. The heroes all got knocked unconcious along with Daisy, Thomas, and Daivd. Jake and I were trapped under rubble. And Izuku and Carlos were both fighting the villain, Killmonger." Todoroki froze at the mention of the villain's name.

"Killmonger? As in the biggest and most dangerous single villain?" (a/n: Like without a group. I'm counting All For One as part of the Leuge of Villains, so this is just one person villain, not groups. If that makes any sense.) 

"Yeah... Anyways," Haley stopped herself from diving too deep in her memories. "They were fighting him and won." Wow... Todoroki thought. They're really powerful then. How much had Izuku changed? "We had to get these codes or, you know, the whole continent is going to blow up." He took a double-take when hearing that. 

"DId you just say North America was going to blow up?!" Todoroki's mouth was gaping open like a fish out of water. Haley slightly chuckled at his facial expression.

"Yeah, we got the codes because of part of Carlos's quirk. He actually named it Fallen Angel's WIll." She laughed at that. "We all teased him for it. Saying how it was like my quirk." Todoroki smiled, but Haley quickly stopped thinking about it. "Back to what I was saying, something went wrong." His smile dropped. "He just started screaming and clutching his head." Haley stopped, shuddering at the memory.

"You're doing great. Just take deep breaths." Following Todoroki's advice, Haley started talking again.

"Thanks, well. He just collapsed. And Izuku ran towards him, but there was something stopping him, like a barrier. Next thing we know, there was the purple, misty, thing that appeared underneath him and he was gone." Todoroki's face went slack. Kurogiri... "Then, Killmonger disspeared, too. After a year of looking for him, the heroes declared him dead. But, we didn't think so. After time, though, we started losing hope. But, now, we know he's still alive. But, why would he be a villain?"

"I think the LOV and Carlos and Killmonger are working together." Todoroki said slowly.

"W-What do you mean?"

"The pruple, misty, thing that you described is a portal. It appeared underneath you after you passed out. I only find it logical that the same happened to me, too-"

"Um, you had a point?" Haley said, annoyed.

"Yeah, sorry," Todoroki ignored her tone. "There's a villain in the LOV, Kurogiri, who can make purple, misty, protals." Haley gasped.

"You're right. But, what do we do now...?"


I know this basically is just like a repeat of the last chapter(?) But, if you guys want, I can post again either later today or tomorrow, I actually have a few chapters lined up for this story just incase I forget to write for a few days.

Anyways, Bye!😊

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