Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

"Ugh..." Haley groaned. Her head was pounding like a drum. Her ears were ringing and her vision was blurry.

"Thank god you're awake." A voice sounded from beside her. Haley squeezed her eyes closed and moved to massage her temples, but found that her wrists were bound. This caused her to snap out of her daze. Her eyes flew open and slowly adjusted to the darkness around her.

"W-What happened?" Haley inwardly cringed at her scratchy voice. Todoroki was sitting, chained by his wrists to the wall next to her.

"I don't know." Todoroki thought back trying to remember as Haley slowly sat up. "I remember hearing something like a gunshot and you fell. I think the same happened to me."

"Wait," Haley felt fine. "Gunshot?" It didn't feel like she just got shot. Todoroki recognized her confusion.

"I think it some sort of dart."

"Yeah, I got that." Haley snapped. Now realizing that she was talking to Izuku's ex. Todoroki was taken aback by her sudden outburst but decided that it was because of the stressful situation they were in. Is this how Bakugou felt when he got kidnapped? Todoroki thought. 

"Who kidnapped us, then?"

"I don't know," Todoroki admitted. "But I think it's the League of Villains."

"Oh, that crew of villains that keeps getting into UA somehow?"

"Yeah..." Now that Todoroki thought about it, they did seem to get into UA a lot.

"Talk about poor security," Haley grumbled.

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it." She just rolled her eyes at this.

"What do we do now then?"

"If this is where the old LOV base is," Todoroki trailed off. "Then there should be a door in front of us to our left."

"Wait, how do you know this?" Haley questioned.

"Well, Bakugou got kidnapped by the LOV not too long ago and we came here to save him."

"Oh." Haley snarled at the mention of Bakugou's name. Todoroki pieced it together now. She's bitter about me cheating on Izuku... 

"Hey," Todoroki looked down at his chained hands.


"Well," He shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry." Now it was Haley's turn to be confused.

"For what?"

Todoroki sighed, "I know you're mad at me for cheating on Izuku and Bakugou for me cheating on Izuku with him."

"Damn right I am."

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I-" Todoroki was interrupted by Haley.

"I'm not the person you're supposed to be saying sorry to am I?" Todoroki shook his head before realizing that she could really see him.

"No... But, I'm too scared." He confessed. Wait, why am I pouring out my feelings to this random person? Todoroki mentally screamed at himself. I guess I just need to talk to someone about this...

"Why?" Haley somehow felt as if Todoroki was actually sorry about this, and Izuku had said that he was going to forgive him. I guess he didn't tell him yet. But why would Mr. I'm-so-cool-guy be scared about?

"I-I... I'm worried that he won't forgive me. And I know, I know, he probably shouldn't and never will. But, I'm still worried. I love Bakugou now, and I can't deny it. He also found someone and I'm happy for him. But, I scared that it's going to become too awkward between us and he's going to hate me. I still want to be friends..." Haley sighed.

"Well, if it's any help. Izuku came to us this morning, at least I think it's still the same day, and he said that he was going to forgive you guys." Todoroki's head shot up at this.


"Yeah... Hey," Haley smiled, even if he couldn't see it. "You're not too bad." Todoroki chuckled.

"Thanks. I needed that."

"No problem."

"How cute..." Someone cooed. The two in question had their defenses up immediately.

"Who are you?" Todoroki demanded. 

"Hmmm....who am I?" That voice... I feel like I know it. Haley thought. "I don't know. But, I sound familiar, right, Haley?" Haley narrowed her eyes at the mention of her name and how the voice, who sounded like a man, was correct.

"You know who I am." She stated. "Who are you?"

"Aw... You seriously don't remember me? Well, the same goes for your other friends. Their reactions were priceless when they actually found out." Haley was getting impatient.

"Who are you?"

There was no answer. Suddenly, a bright light fizzed on and both teenagers had to squint their eyes at first. When they finally adjusted to the light, a single black feather drifted down and landed in the center of the spotlight. Haley froze.

"No... it can't be... Carlos..?"

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