Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

There stood, in the doorway, Izuku Midoryia.

"Man, am I glad to see-" David was silenced by a glare from Daisy.

"Aw~ But, Izu~" The class flinched at the new nickname. "I was just about to have my fun~" She looked David up and down like he was a cattle in the market.

"No can do," Izuku said. "Haley specifically said, 'He better still be alive enough for training or I'm going to be the one to beat his ass.'" But, The class thought. Isn't he supposed to be her boyfriend? Mr. Aizawa, on the other hand, inwardly groaned and proceeded to snuggle into his sleeping bag and turn away from the crowd. I will never understand teenagers.

"Ugh," Daisy stepped away from David. "Fine. Tell Haley she can get her boyfriend back. Alive." She glared at David. "But, I can't say the same after training." The grin back on her face. Izuku didn't seem shaken at all by her threat, much unlike David and the class. 

"Sure, sure." Izuku waved her off. Daisy huffed and sat down at a desk in the back.

"Ummm..." Bakugou broke the tension between the class and the other three. "What the FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!"

"Oh," Izuku looked at Bakugou. "Bakugou..." Bakugou involuntarily grimaced at the new name. He, and the rest of the class, were all honestly waiting to see what Izuku's reaction to both him and Todoroki would be. Since they all decided that they were the main reason that Izuku moved, and they weren't wrong.

"Hey!" Everyone, excluding Daisy and Mr. Aizawa, who had already fallen asleep, turned to look at the new intruder. Izuku smiled when he saw the male that spoke and the other two behind him.

"Hey, babe." All the students went wide-eyed. D-Izuku has a BOYFRIEND?!?! Everyone screamed in their heads. 

"Hey," The male kissed Izuku, making everyone else draw in another sharp breath. He then proceeded to laugh at the faces Class 3-A was making. "Close your mouths, you might catch a few flies." Snapping their jaw shut, Izuku and the other male found themselves being bombarded by questions.

"Stop!" Izuku held up his hand. Everyone shut up. "One at a time. Uraraka."

"You have a boyfriend?!"

"Yes," He answered quickly. "Tokoyami."

"What's his name?"

"Jake." The male said. "My name's Jake Ranger."


"How long have you guys been together? Kero."

"About," Izuku looked at Jake.

"About a year and a half?" Jake asked him.

"Yeah, that sounds right." The class took a double-take. A year and a half?!

"Next. Umm..." Izuku surveyed the crowd of hands. "Kaminari."

"How was America?!"

"It was fun. Met a lot of nice people." He looked at Jake who smiled and kissed him on the cheek. The girls swooned and the guys just stood there awkwardly, though happy that Izuku found someone else. Even Todoroki and Bakugou, who both regretted what they did a lot.


"What do you go by?" Izuku raised an eyebrow. "I mean," Momo expanded on her question. "We used to call you Deku," Izuku cringed at that. "See, you obviously don't go by that anymore. And, Daisy? Was it? Called you Izu."

"Oh, yeah." You could practically see a light bulb light up in the head. "I go by Izuku, Izu, Zuzu, Zuku... Well, those are the ones that I can remember." Momo nodded, satisfied with the answer.

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