Chapter 11

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Izuku POV

"Oh," I looked back at the people sitting on the bleachers. "I forgot you were here."


"I said, 'I forgot you were here.'" I rolled my eyes. "This dude is definitely deaf. I guess the blasts finally got to his peanut-sized brain." (a/n: I suck at insults -_-) I whispered to David and Thomas. They snickered.


"So what if we are?"

"Stop!" Todoroki stood up. "I think we all have questions." He looked at me. Guilt flashed through his eyes before he covered it up again with his emotionless mask. Right, I gotta talk to them.

"Sure," I said. "What questions do you have?"

"WHEN DID YOU GET WINGS?!?!?!?!" Uraraka shrieked.

"Oh, that," I totally forgot that they didn't know...whoops. "I have another quirk." Gasps rang throughout the space.

"A-Another quirk?!" Todoroki broke his usual mask.

"Yeah," I examined my nails like one of those stuck-up rich brats from those old teen movies. And to be honest, it felt great.

"S-S, Since when?" Iida recomposed himself.

"Ummm, about like a day after I left."

"How come it didn't manifest during your time here?" Mr. Aizawa asked, actually looking interested in something for once.

"It needed a lot of either negative emotions or panic to trigger the manifestation."

"Wait," Kaminari furred his brows together. "Negative emotions? Panic?" He looked at me worriedly. "What happened?"

"Wow," Bakugou scoffed. "Pikachu actually said something useful." Kaminari rolled his eyes.

"He's like the David of their group," Haley whispered to us, and we quietly snickered as David fumed an refused to meet any of our eyes.

"Well," I turned my attention back to the people of the bleachers. "Let's just say, the first day of school wasn't exactly great."

"Who hurt you?!" Momo demanded. I chuckled. 

"It's fine, Momo. I can protect myself." 

"Right..." Momo looked sad for some reason, and sat down again.

"Well," I clapped my hands, startling a few. "Now that's done, can we go back to class?"

"Actually," Mr. Aizawa tiredly interjected as the other classes filed out. "You guys are going to catch up and get to know each other for the rest of the day. And this totally isn't because I don't feel like teaching."

"Uhuh..." Jake looked at me. "Is this guy really a teacher?" I nodded my head. 

"Well, okay..." Haley shook herself out of her shock. "Let's go!"

Time Skip To The Dorms

"So..." Thomas looked awkwardly between his friends and the class. "What do you guys want to talk about?"

"Well," Iida stood up. "We already know a little bit more about D-my apologies, Izuku, but we don't know about you five."

"Okay..." Daisy looked at Iida weirdly. 

"What do you guys want to know?" David asked, putting his arm around Haley's shoulders. 

"For starters," Mina looked excitedly between David and Haley. "Are any of you guys in relationships?"

"I'm in one with Haley." David kissed her cheek causing the girls to 'aw'.

"I'm single," Thomas said sadly.

"I'm lesbian, and I have a girlfriend." Daisy smiled. "Though she isn't here now, her name's Charlotte." 

"You guys already know about mine." Izuku sat in Jake's lap and he buried his head into Izuku's green hair. The class nodded.

"What did the teachers mean by you got recommended by two heroes each-" Todoroki was interrupted by Momo.

"Yeah, and that we couldn't send out search parties because you guys, 'know how to handle yourselves'. What were they talking about?" 

"Are you saying we can't take care of yourselves?" Jake had lifted his head out of the messy pile of green curls and settled for resting his chin on Izuku's head. Jake glared at her.

"O-Oh, no. I was just wondering." Geez, that glare is scary. The class thought.

"Good..." Jake closed his eyes.

"Well," Haley decided to answer this question. "Back at our old school, we were referred to as the 'Six Crows'," The class nodded, now knowing why they said, 'to the crows'. "The reason this is is that we would go on missions for the heroes, help them out on cases, or patrol with them. We got to do this because we all have powerful quirks, and due to extra training, we had better control over them."

"Thanks." Momo smiled appreciatively.

"No problem."

"Any other questions?" Thomas asked.

"What are your quirks?" Uraraka asked.

"Mine is Shadow," David started, and proceeded to explain his quirk and its drawbacks.

"Mine is Wolf," Jake then copied what David said but put his information instead of David's.

"I call mine Angel's Grace," Haley said. After she finished explaining, it was Daisy's turn.

"Mine's called Waves." So, like Jirou's quirk, but more powerful. The class thought once Daisy finished her explanation. 

"People call mine Arsenal." Thomas summoned a gun and twirled it in his hands for emphasis. 

"Cool!" Kaminari beamed after Thomas finished explaining.

"And I named mine Devil's Blessing. For obvious reasons." Izuku grinned.

"Those quirks are really powerful," Tokoyami commented.

"Thanks." The Americans chorused at once.

"Anything else?" Thomas asked. The class looked among themselves, none really having any main questions that they felt they needed to ask.

"Well," Haley started, getting up from the couch. "In that case, we-"


Haley fell to the ground, seconds before her head made contact, she disappeared into a purple vortex.

"HALEY!" Everyone yelled, a specific five louder than the rest.


"TODOROKI!" The students frantically yelled. Bakugou louder than the rest, he sprinted to his boyfriend's side, determined to catch him before he fell into a portal like Haley.

Bakugou dived for Todoroki, but his fingertips only grazed Todoroki's arms, as he slipped into a portal. Silence fell over the class like a veil. 

"Well, well, well." A voice boomed. The class scrambled to get up and got into fighting positions, though still shaken. 

"Who are you?!" Izuku yelled, charging up OFA.

"Aw~." The voice cooed. "You don't remember me, Crows~?"

"Hey!" Daisy shouted. "He asked you a question!"

"Tsk. Sure, sure. I'm surprised you guys don't remember me. Oh well..." 

A single black feather blew through the window and fluttered down, landing mere feet away from the Americans.

They all turned white as sheets.

"No, it's not possible," Izuku mumbled, eyes wide with fear and surprise. "Carlos...?"

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