Chapter 4

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I woke up to absolute pitch black. I rubbed my eyes a bit and sat up.

"Great I slept the whole day away and now I won't be able to sleep tonight" I said to myself pulling myself out of bed.

I decided to make the best of it and just stay up as long as I could since I worked the next night. My belly rumbled as I started moving towards my living room. I decided to order Chinese food and be completely lazy after the shift I had worked.

After I hung up the phone it hit me how much food I actually ordered but I was starving and leftovers were always a thing if need be. I got the TV set up for more binge watching of the show I started and got some drinks ready before the doorbell rang.

I popped up grabbing the cash off of my coffee table for the food. I was excited, I couldn't wait for food. I smiled at the delivery person and handed over the cash explaining to them to keep the change for a tip. They smiled and walked off and I caught Buck walking to his door as the delivery person was walking away.

"Morning muffin, how'd you sleep?" He asked sarcastically. I lightly laughed at his little nickname and rolled my eyes even though it made my heart rate speed up.

"I slept great, you weren't here being loud to keep me up" I giggled watching him head to the door with a shocked look on his face.

"Hey! I said I felt really bad about that" he laughed.

I thought for a second before I called out to him.

"Hey jerk! You hungry?" I asked questioningly.

"Starving, why?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Because I ordered enough Chinese to feed a small country" I shrugged. "Want some?"

"Let me change, I'll be right over?" He looked across the way to me.

"Don't take too long Buckley, I'm starving and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait before I eat an insane amount of food" I laughed.

"Three minutes tops" he chuckled opening his door and disappearing behind it.

I got another plate out and in what felt like a matter of seconds there was a knock at the door.

"I should have just left it open" I laughed when I saw Buck behind the door.

"I told you three minutes tops" he shook his head.

I couldn't help but stare a bit. He looked great dressed down. I had to keep tearing my eyes away, the shirt he was wearing hugged his body in the best way possible and in all the right places.

Suddenly I felt nervous and flushed just being in his presence. This whole trying to be friends thing might prove more difficult than I thought.

"Have a seat, what do you want to drink?" I asked motioning to the living room.

"Water's great, I can get it you don't have to" he started.

"I got it, get comfortable" I smiled.

I grabbed some water and made my way back to the living room. I received a smile and a thank you from Buck as I handed him the water.

"So I started this show, I was binge watching it the morning you weren't graceful enough to bring the basket back quietly" I giggled at the memory. "We can watch something else though" I looked at him seriously.

"Put on whatever you want, I'm the one invading here" he laughed.

"You're not invading, I invited you silly" I rolled my eyes and hit play.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now