Chapter 9

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It had been a few weeks since we got back from the wedding at my parents. Nights that Buck and I had off together we spent together and any time we could be with each other we were with each other.

This particular week would be different. Our schedules clashed so much we would barely get to see each other. I would be coming home as he was ready to leave and by the time he came home I'd be leaving. Since we had started dating, I don't think we've ever spent so much time apart.

The week had already proven to be difficult. I knew I would miss the amount of time I got with him but I didn't expect that I would miss him as much as I had. I had said goodbye to him not even thirty minutes ago and I already craved more time with him. I felt so clingy.

I pulled myself out of bed and down to the kitchen. I knew I wasn't going to get any kind of sleep anytime soon and I still had a few hours to spare before I absolutely had to get some sleep.

I set out the stuff to make muffins smiling to myself remembering the last time I had made muffins for Buck. I quickly threw the muffins together and ran to change back into clothes while they baked. I made it back just in time to take them out of the oven and let them cool as I ran to throw my hair up.

I packed the muffins in the same basket I had packed them in when I dropped them off at Buck's door and went to find paper and a marker to leave a note.

'I miss you, jerk!

I smiled satisfied with my note and packed it with the muffins. I hurried out the door and to the station. When I pulled in I noticed it seemed like every emergency vehicle was there so there was a good chance Buck was there.

I walked up to what I assumed was the entry door and sent him a text.

'Are you on a call?"

It was only a few minutes till my phone dinged.

'No, why? Everything ok?' I read. The smile grew on my face as I typed back.

'Good, let me in cutie'

Within a minute the door I was standing at flew open and I was pulled into a hug. He pulled away and brought my face to his with both of his hands and gave me multiple quick kisses making me giggle.

"Everything's ok right?" He looked at me seriously.

"Everything's fine, I just missed you and wanted to see you and bring you all these" I smiled holding up the basket.

"I miss you all the time, this week's been the tough but we'll get through it" he kissed me quickly one more time before taking me by the hand and pulling me inside.

"I wrote you a note in the basket" I smiled as he set the basket down on a table.

"I miss you, jerk" he chuckled. "I love it" he gave me a gentle peck.

"No way, is this Jenna?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and was met with a group of people all looking like they were kids looking into a candy shop.

"Everyone, this is indeed Jenna. She brought muffins" he slung an arm around my shoulders.

"I've heard so, so much about you" one of the males started as he moved closer to us. "I can't believe you're actually here, I think I'm in love with you already" he continued to move towards us.

He held his arms out, confusing the both of us before he reached around me and grabbed the basket of muffins.

"That's Eddie, he's excited about muffins apparently" Buck explained making a laugh escape me.

I was introduced to the rest of his coworkers, he saved one particular one for last.

"Nice to meet you again, call me Hen" the paramedic extended her hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you again, turns out he was pulling my pigtails" I giggled rubbing Buck's stomach as he pulled me closer.

"It warms my heart to see him so happy" she smiled patting my arm as she walked away.

"Your coworkers are nice" I smiled turning to face Buck.

"They better be nice enough to save me a muffin" he laughed.

"Don't worry I put some aside for you at my house, just in case. I should get home I still have to sleep for shift tonight" I explained sadly embracing him again.

"Can you stay another five minutes? I have something for you" he kissed the top of my head.

"I can spare five minutes for a present" I laughed gently kissing his cheek while he dug around in his pocket.

He finally pulled out a key and held it up to me with a smile on his face. I rose and eyebrow.

"A key? I already have a key to your place" I giggled.

"But, this one is symbolic" he explained.

"Symbolic?" I asked confused.

"It's not just a key to my place, it's a key to our place" he looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I was taken aback.

"I know you might think it's reckless but it's not reckless when you know it's right. And you might think it's too soon and I'm not going to force you if you don't want to but we already spend all our time at either one of our places or another and you can still keep your place in case you get sick of me, need some space or anything. I think that-" I cut off his rant.

"I love it, babe" I threw my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine.

"You do?" He questioned when we pulled away.

"I do, like you said we're always at one of our places why not have a more permanent place for us to be together instead of bouncing back and forth?" I smiled at him.

"I really thought I was going to have to convince you more to move in with me" he chuckled.

"Surprise, you have a roommate now" I laughed.

"No, I have a live in girlfriend now...very, very different things" we both laughed.

"This weekend when we're both off we can condense our places into one, but for now" I started as I took the key out of his hand. "I'm going to go sleep for work in my new bed" I giggled.

"I think you're confused sweetheart" he smiled taking my face in both his hands. "Our bed" he corrected.

"Our bed" I repeated with an ever growing smile on my face as he quickly pressed his lips to mine.

"Go get some sleep, I'll be home later babe" he gave me one more quick kiss.

"Home, I like the sound of that" I gripped him in a hug. "I'll see you home" I would never be able to contain the smile inside me when I said that.

I had only a few days before I would be bringing my stuff over to Buck's and I felt like I already had so much to do. I had so many decisions to make that all stemmed from one main question. Do I keep my place or get rid of it? Was I ready to jump completely in or do I keep a safety net?

I could definitely see the reasoning in both decisions but actually making that decision was going to be difficult. The only thing that was not difficult about this process was knowing that I wanted to live with him and knowing I was ready to completely mesh my life with his. We had seemed to be slowly doing that anyways, why not make it official?

I'm sorry if this chapter's bad! It's going to start picking up very soon I promise! Hope you're all enjoying so far! Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now