Chapter 22

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"Alright, where is she?" I asked walking up to Tess.

"I have no idea, I swear this wasn't me. I would have called it off when you left if it was" she said with her hands up in surrender.

"You swear you had nothing to do with this?" I asked not tearing my eyes away from her for a second.

"I swear" she said seriously.

"What's going on?" Annabel asked confused.

"It's an old family tradition" I started, turning to Annabel. "The best man or brothers loosely kidnap the bride at the bachelorette party and the groom has to figure out where they might have taken her to get her back. Usually it's a special place like where they fell in love or where they first kissed. Something special to the couple. That's what I thought might be happening here but if you had nothing to do with this I just hope she's ok." I said getting worried.

"Hey, everything will be fine ok?" Annabel rubbed my arm soothingly as a thought suddenly hit me.

"Hey...Tess?" I asked turning quickly to her.

"Yeah?" She answered quickly.

"Did anyone bridesnatch you?" I asked curiously.

"No, we got married so quick I don't think anyone even thought about it honestly" she shrugged.

She was right, with how fast everything happened with her wedding I never even had the slightest thought of our family bridesnatching tradition. I guess the whole family just assumed it would be more fit for when they had their big wedding.

"Did you ever tell John about that tradition?" I questioned again.

"I...I don't think I did actually" she looked like she was trying to piece together things in her head.

I pulled out my phone and called Gina, Greg's wife. Gina wasn't able to come to the bachelorette party due to work but was able to come to the wedding which was what really mattered to me the most.

"Hey Gina, quick question. You were bridesnatched right?" I asked quickly as soon as she picked up.

"I was, it was fun actually. Such a cute little tradition" I could hear her smile.

"I thought so, did you ever mention it to anyone? Like outside of the family?" I asked sincerely.

"I mean yeah at our wedding and stuff and I mentioned how Tessa wasn't bridesnatched at all before her wedding at their wedding" she explained nonchalantly.

"Wait hold on, you did? To who?" Everything was starting to fall into place.

"Umm mostly just your parents and John"

"Thank you Gina, you're the best. Can't wait to see you at the wedding, love you"

I hung up after goodbyes were said and instantly called Buck.

"Hey muffin, everything ok?" He asked softly.

"Is John with you?" I asked abruptly,

"No, he left a while ago. Said he had something important to do"

"I think know where Maddie is, can you meet me at the hotel we're staying at?" I spoke quickly.

"Of course, everything's ok right?" He sounded concerned.

"Everything is perfectly fine" I answered with a smile. "See you soon baby"

The minute I hung up the phone I turned to Tess.

"Call your husband and tell him whoever did the bridesnatching, snatched the wrong girl" I explained moving to get the car.

"Wait, where are you going?" Annabel asked pulling me back gently by my arm.

"To get my fiance's sister back" I laughed.

"We're coming with you" Tess said, her phone to her ear.

They followed me back to the hotel where we waited for Buck. The minute I saw him, I was in his arms. I had no idea how much I missed him until I saw him.

"I missed you" he lightly whispered in my ear.

"I missed you so much more" I kissed him quick before turning to everyone that was with us.

"So, what's going on? Where's Maddie?" Buck asked concerned.

"Tessa, would you care to explain bridesnatching?" I turned to her.

She quickly explained the concept as everyone turned to me.

"She's with John, his friends he got to help thought they took me when they took her. She's safe we just have to go get her" I explained with a shrug.

"Well where are they?" Chimney asked confused.

"The most important place to us as a couple" I shrugged.

"What place would he think that is?" Buck asked in thought.

"I know" Tess said taking my keys from me and moving towards the car. "I told him where you got engaged and how much the fire family meant to you both, that has to be it. I'm driving"

Neither of us put up a fight and Buck and I, together with Tess and Chimney, were on our way to the fire house.

"I'm sorry." Tess finally spoke after most of the drive being silent.

"It's not your fault, and I'm sure John's heart was in the right place when he did this" I gave her a reassuring smile through the rear view mirror.

"How are you feeling?" Buck asked quietly leaning over to me.

"Kind of exhausted, kind of nauseous. I think I'm just overworked" I gave a small shrug.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go see someone?" He asked grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Someone like...?" I asked questioningly.

"Someone like a doctor. Just make sure everything is still good?" He said carefully.

"Listen" I placed my other hand over his and gave a squeeze. "I'm fine, trust me. I'm just tired and not used to doing things like this anymore. I will be fine. And if I still feel not ok after the wedding, we can go to a doctor" I gave him a smile.

He gave me an agreeing smile as we pulled up to the fire house. John instantly came running out to the car.

"I am so so sorry" he spoke quickly.

"I'm just glad Maddie's safe" I held out my hands.

"I just wanted to give you a little bit of normality in your family traditions. My friends are just idiots" he chuckled nervously.

"Thank you" I hugged him without realizing it. "With my brother gone I guess I just never gave a thought to traditions like these. That really means so much" I smiled as Maddie approached us from inside the fire house.

"I don't know about anyone else but I could sure go for some food right now" she smiled widely as the rest of us laughed with a few eye rolls.

Seeing everyone happy and having a good time looking forward to the wedding there was no way I was voicing my fears to anyone. At least not yet. The biggest fear I had would be locked away until after the wedding in a few days. A fear I had hoped beyond hope I would never have again. The fear that I wasn't completely healthy.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now