Chapter 21

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In the days that followed the engagement, Buck and I quickly realized three things. We had wasted enough time, we were ready to be together forever and eloping was sadly not an option.

Eloping would have been the easiest and the quickest, but we couldn't do that to our friends and family who had stuck through everything else with us.

We got straight to planning with every spare minute that we had and oddly enough, we were able to pull together most of what we needed quickly. Some things we had to pull some strings for but everything just seemed to be falling into place.

With the wedding being about a week away, it was time for the bachelor and bachelorette parties. We had agreed that we didn't want to know what the others party consisted of as long as we were safe and unharmed at the end of the party with no injuries that would last into the wedding day.

I started feeling dizzy when I first started getting ready but chalked it up to the fact that I had barely eaten since I was holding out for the party.

"Have fun tonight, muffin" Buck gave me a quick kiss as he set a snack down on the vanity I was using to get ready.

"Thanks baby, I hope you have fun too" I reached a hand up to rub his cheek.

"I know I can't tell you what I have planned but it's going to be a blast" he kissed my cheek quickly before grabbing his stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" he gave me a wide smile before walking out the door.

I had a half hour to get ready before the girls came to pick me up and I was so tired I honestly didn't think it was enough time.

"Do you...need some help?" Maddie asked me as she watched me struggle to pack as quickly as I could with how tired I was.

My energy level was at an all time low and I had no idea why. It was the absolute wrong time to feel drained.

"I'm good, sorry I just didn't realize I let time get away from me so badly" I breathed a laugh zipping up my suitcase.

"Hey" she stopped me with a soft hand. "The girls are opening some champagne for a toast before we head out for the night, talk to me. Everything ok?" She asked, concern in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine I just...I had a rough, slow start to my morning and it was just hard to get myself going after that. I'm really sorry"

"You know if you feel...not ok you can tell me right?" She continued seriously.

"Thanks, I know and that means a lot to me but I'm seriously ok it was just a bad morning for my motivation" I laughed softly. "Champagne then?" I smiled leading the way out of the room.

"There she is! Finally!" Annabel yelled happily handing me a glass of champagne.

Maddie watched me almost sympathetically as I gave her a reassuring smile.

We finished our champagne before heading out to check into the hotel. We had a small drive and figured it would be easier to stay very near where we would be going out.

I threw my stuff down in the room and decided to relax until Tess got in. We knew she would be a little later than everyone so she said she would just meet us at the hotel.

Everyone had decided to get ready in my room and honestly I was kind of thankful for it. The more I focused on getting ready and having fun with the girls, the least I worried about getting so comfortable that I wouldn't want to actually go out.

By the time she arrived everyone was ready to go and after getting her settled in her room we were ready to hit the town. Well, most of us were.

"Take another one" Annabel handed out a shot to me.

"No thanks, I'm making sure to pace myself" I giggled.

"You haven't drank like anything tonight! It's your bachelorette party girl, live it up" Tess said taking the shot that Annabel was holding out to me making me laugh.

"I'm just taking it easy I don't need to get all wild" I laughed.

The night went on mostly consisting of them shoving drinks at me and me trying to play off the fact that I was exhausted and my stomach wasn't feeling so great.

At the third place we ended up at the music was so loud that my throat was sore from yelling and my head was sore from the volume. With how late it was getting I was completely over being out.

"Guys, I think I'm going to just head back to the hotel and rest. I'm not feeling that great honestly and I'm sure I'll feel better with some rest" I confessed. "Don't worry I'm fine, I'm just tired" I gave a smile seeing all their worried faces. "Enjoy the rest of the night and if I feel rejuvenated I'll come back out"

I went back to the hotel and the first thing I did was change into comfortable clothes, I couldn't stand how uncomfortable I was in the clothes I wore out. Second thing I did was text the girls that I was back at the room and fight off the few that said they would come back to the hotel. The third and most important thing I did was text Buck that I missed him. I knew he was having fun but I wanted him to know I was still thinking of him.

'I miss you more baby, I can't wait to be back with you tomorrow night. I hope you're having fun, I love you'

My heart grew reading his response text.

I sent him back a quick text explaining the situation that I went back to the room and told my side before one of the girls told him and worried him. Instead of getting a text back, I got a call.

"Hey baby, listen I know everyone's probably over reacting but I'm really fine. If I felt that weird or I was worried I would let you know, you know that" I started quickly as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Honey, we're definitely going to talk about this because it is worrisome but that's not what I'm calling about" he responded quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is everything ok?" I asked cautiously, hearing the worry in his voice.

"I'm not sure. Annabel just called me"

"She did?" I asked quickly knowing something was going on.

"Yeah, baby Maddie's missing" he explained slowly.

"Missing? What do you mean missing?" I sat up straighter.

"Like they went to go to the bathroom and she was right behind everyone else but she never made it to the bathroom. It's like she was snatched up they said and they didn't want to worry you more"

Snatched up? This was turning out to be a night.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now