Chapter 20

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"You're still coming for dinner today after you sleep some right?" Buck asked grabbing his keys.

"I wouldn't miss it" I smiled making my way to him and wrapping my arms around his middle. "I'll see you then" I smiled at him.

"Sleep well my darling" he kissed me quickly before wrapping me in a hug.

"Be safe till I get to you" I giggled giving him a squeeze.

"Always" he pressed his lips to mine one more time before walking out the door.

Things had been amazing since finding out I was cancer free. Every day I was falling more and more in love with Buck...and every day I was growing more and more impatient with him as well.

I swear he was waiting to propose because I said no the first time, but I know now that he was everything to me. I didn't want anyone but him for the rest of my life. I wanted nothing more than to marry him and become his wife...but I would have to wait for him to finally ask me...again.

I threw on one of Buck's shirts and got ready to go to sleep before my phone went off.

"Six o'clock tonight babe, I'll see you then I love you" he spoke quickly. I could hear the smile on his face and it made me smile.

"I love you honey, I'll see you at six" I hung up with a smile.

I got comfortable and before I knew it I was falling into a deep slumber. Being surrounded by Buck always helped me to fall asleep comfortably. When I couldn't fall asleep with him, I always went to the next best thing. His clothes.

When I woke up to my alarm, I instantly knew I didn't get enough sleep. I also knew that it would all be worth it because I got to see Buck. I quickly got ready and fixed my hair before grabbing my keys and the cupcakes I made the day before and heading to my car.

"I'll take those" Buck smiled kissing me quickly and reaching for the box of cupcakes.

"Thanks baby" I smiled wrapping an arm around him.

"Of course muffin" he grinned at me.

He would never let that nickname go.

I followed him inside to a loud stir from everyone in fire house. Hugs were shared and concern was shown for how I was feeling. I stayed close to Buck through everything until we made it to the kitchen and I helped him lay out the cupcakes on the counter.

"I'm going to go grab something out of the engine, meet me over there when you're done?" He kissed the top of my head before walking away.

"Sure thing sweetheart" I smiled and continued to unpack the cupcakes.

When I was done I made my way to where Buck said he would be...except it was darker than I thought it would be.

"Buck?" I called softly into the dim room.

Just as I said his name lights kicked on. I looked around the room to see white string lights hung all over.

"What are you up to silly boy?" I giggled as Buck approached me and everyone else made their way to the background.

"I told you it had to be special" a smile reached his face, I knew exactly what was happening.

"Baby" I barely said above a whisper.

"I spent so much time worried about where I would do this or what I would say or if the timing was right but then I thought, none of that matters. The only thing that matters is that I'm here and you're here...and that you say yes." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box.

"Yes" I said quickly.

"Let me ask you first babe" he chuckled with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I said quickly.

He slowly got down on one knee.

"We've been through a lot more than any couple ever will. But you have changed my life in so many great ways I will never, ever not want to have you by my side. Everyone here probably knows the minute I fell in love with you..."

"The minute he saw you" Eddie yelled over towards us.

"Thank you, I guess that wasn't a big secret" Buck chuckled quickly turning to Eddie then back to me. "And it's not a secret when I knew I wanted you to be mine forever..."

"The minute he saw you" Hen yelled towards us making me giggle.

"Yep, yep thank you, I'm so sorry" he looked towards me. "But we had quite a bumpy road, maybe even veered off that road a little bit but I never had any doubt we'd be standing here like this today. I love you so much, more than I ever thought I could love anyone or anything. I don't want to live without you ever, I don't think I even could. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and this time I do have a ring my darling" he opened the box.

It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"Buck" I said softly.

"Will you marry me muffin?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Yes" I said through tears walking towards him and taking his face in my hands kissing him quickly.

He got to his feet and wrapped me in his arms lifting me off my feet before placing me back down and kissing me deeply.

"I'm getting married!" He yelled towards his fire house family.

The room erupted in cheers before everyone tackled us in hugs and congratulations.

"I love you so much" he took my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine.

"Now I get to love you forever" I smiled at him.

"I was always going to love you forever anyways" he returned the smile before kissing me gently again.

"Who's ready for some celebratory dinner?" Bobby said leading the way to the kitchen.

"I have to call Annabel when I leave, she's going to be so excited" I beamed grabbing Buck's hand and kissing it quickly.

"Annabel knows" he grinned at me.

"She does?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Who do you think helped me pick out the ring?" He chuckled wrapping his arms around me and guiding me the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"You're a smart, smart man" I turned my head kissing his cheek quickly.

"Of course I am, look who I'm marrying" he gripped me tighter before sitting at the table.

"Before we eat I just want to say congratulations to the newly engaged" Bobby started as he stood up. "You've gotten through the lows together and we all can't wait to see you get through the highs. You two were made for each other, I've not seen two people make each other happier than you two. Welcome to the family Jenna" he finished as everyone cheered and Buck kissed my cheek.

I wasn't just gaining the best husband in the entire world, I was gaining a family. A family I never knew I wanted or needed, but a family that I couldn't imagine living without now.

I'm that moment, everything was perfect.

When You Least Expect It - 9-1-1 - Evan "Buck" Buckley Where stories live. Discover now